League of Legends: One-trick Heimerdinger with 10 Million Champion Mastery Points

The story of a boy one champ again and again a champion is not too new, we have gamers like Boxbox with Riven, Tyler1 with Draven or Yassuo with Yasuo for example.

However, these gamers are in the form of best with extremely good individual skills, they can play all kinds of champions, climbing rank fast because they are all good gamers.

But among them, there is a very special guy. This player possesses 10 million mastery fluently with Heimerdinger, an extremely impressive number. Calling the guy is also not very accurate when this player proved quite “older” than other players.

Recently, we have discovered a high old gamer with the talent to play games with only one hand, of course, he does not have any disabilities but just feel tired of pressing the keys. This elderly gamer, named in-game is GeT CoN TRollED and owns Donger’s Dojo stream, he is leading the number of champion mastery of Heimerdinger with more than 10 million mastery.

What is worth mentioning here is not only by the impressive parameters but also on how Dojo uses Heimerdinger. This player hardly uses the keyboard, only the mouse action to play Heimerdinger.

Just using the mouse while fighting is almost quite difficult when you have to use extremely many operations with fast speed when just moving, farming minions and using skills. But this almost does not affect Dojo, but also makes achieving 10 million mastery in something horrible.

In the video below, we see that this player must use the mouse to point to the skill and then drag out the direction indicated. Even when he recalls, he also had to press this icon on the champion interface because pressing B as usual, this showed that he only played LoL with a mouse handle, even just using Teleport and Heal also from this cause.

Several players who encounter Dojo play Heimerdinger top lane using the Grasp of the Undying along with Teleport and Heal. But the bottom line is that all of them were defeated by Dojo’s extremely impressive lane ability along with the use of the extremely terrible Heimerdinger. Dojo also had a lot of highlights with Heimer with very flexible hand gestures.

In addition, Dojo is also very much loved because humorous. With what has shown, hope “old man” one champ Heimerdinger of us will be able to consider a certain title for his proficiency as well as how to play extremely bizarre.