Korean players invented new meta called “Arcane Comet Ashe” with the contribution of Trinity Force that could harass you to death in patch 9.13

Ashe is having an instantaneous win-rate rising after patch 9.12 due to this new meta, created by Korean players. The thing happened as she got a buff in her Volley (W) that reduces 1s of its cool-down time at all ranks. Thus, these brilliant players learned the patch updates with the idea of playing Ashe with Arcane Comet rune and Trinity Force build that led to the increase of her win-rate, which is now 51,8% (the 4th highest win-rate out of all adcs in current patch). Of course, now we will take a deep insight about this playing style:

+ Pros:
– High poking damage, high scaling damage, easy to put pressure on your lane from the beginning to the very last moment.
– Easy for making collaborative plays with your teammates.
– Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) can bring your Arcane Comet together if your skill hit the target which will probably cause brutal injuries for your enemies.
+ Cons:
– Have a slight decrease in mobility. However, Ashe is primitively a fragile champion, so if you get caught, you’re likely not be able to be alive for long in any case.
– Expensive items. If your enemies are being ahead of you and you still decide to keep on going for this build, you’re done.
– Weak against tanker/bruiser.

+ For allies: Ashe can be cooperative with Enchanters such as Janna, Lulu, Sona, Morgana or Burst-champions like Brand, Lux, Zyra, Miss Fortune or even flexible champions that sync with her ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) like Jarvan IV, Alistar and Nautilus. Probably any supporter can fit well.
+ For enemies: Ashe is mobile so champions with crowd-control abilities like Maokai, Leona, Alistar or assassins such as Zed, Talon, Leblanc can easily burst her fatally. In some cases, Yasuo and Braum can be a snag for you as their abilities can stop any projectiles, which is everything you have….
+ Ability Order:
Start with a point in Volley (W) and maximize it. One point for her (Q) Ranger’s Focus at level 2 and maximize it after you’re done with (W). One point for her (E) Hawkshot at level 5 and maximize it lastly and always take priority for your (R) Enchanted Crystal Arrow.

+ Runes:

Sorcery: Arcane Comet – Manaflow Band – Transcendence – Scorch Precision: Legend: Bloodline – Coup de Grace Extras: Attack Speed – Adaptive Force – Armor/Health

+ Spells:

Of course you will take Heal and Flash. You can also replace Heal with Barrier or Cleanse in special occasions.

+ Builds:
Start with a Health Potion, a Doran’s Blade or a Doran’s Shield depending on the situation. On first recall, try to get yourself a B. F. Sword and a Caulfield’s Warhammer to easily complete Essence Reaver as soon as possible to increase your mana-regen ability. Next, try to buy a Trinity Force and an Infinity Edge. And here you are, a strong Ashe with a fundamental build. After having core items, you can get some optional builds such as Runaan’s Hurricane for more attack speed and area-of-effect damage, Phantom Dancer for more resistance, The Bloodthirster to advance life-steal ability, Guardian Angel to have extra life, Lord Dominik’s Regards for armor-penetration or Mercurial Scimitar to remove crowd-control debuffs. Talking about boots, there are two types of boots that you probably need the most: Berserker’s Greaves and Ninja Tabi.

+ Gameplay:
With this “Arcane Comet Ashe”, all what you need to do is spamming (W) and put pressure on your lane. If you did it excellently and got yourself an Essence Reaver soon enough then congratulations, you passed the early game very well. Early-game is a crucial part of the game so you have to focus in this period. Try to get visions by placing wards because you’re Ashe, a vulnerable champ, and if you get caught, you’re dead.

After early-game stage, with the 3 core items Trinity Force, Essence Reaver and Infinity Edge, you’re pretty much strong at the moment. You just need to shot your (R) accurately and spam your (W) to harass your enemies in the combat. Remember to spam your (W) repeatedly because its cool-down time is short and auto-attack once after you performed a skill to trigger Sheen’s effect. Lastly, always keep your position safe and flee when the situation gets worse for you because you’re an ADC and you need to be alive for most situations.

+ Some notes when playing Ashe:
– Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) has a high damage so you can sometimes use it to eliminate your enemies or KS as well…
– Hawkshot (E) can spot your enemies. If somehow one of them is killed by Baron, Dragon or Jungle monsters while having Hawkshot’s (E) effect, the bounty will be yours.

What do you think about this build? Let us know in the comment section below and hope you enjoy the article.