League of Legends: List of champions will have skins honoring Funplus Phoenix

Each year, Riot Games creates special outfits to honor Worlds champions based on their own interests, characteristics and ideas.

In the interview after the 2019 World Championship, the media questioned the players that they wanted to see which champion wore the uniform with the FPX logo.

Although this is not the final decision, they have also come up with original ideas. Specifically:

Top Kim “GimGoom” Han-saem: Gangplank

Jungle Gao “Tian” Tian-Liang: Lee Sin

Supports Liu “Crisp” Qing-song: Thresh

ADC Lin “Lwx” Wei-Xiang: Vayne/Kai’Sa

In an interview, Doinb said he still hasn’t thought of it. Doinb even joked he wanted to increase revenue for Riot Games by choosing a popular champion to make skins like Ahri. In the end, Doinb wanted to go back to stream with fans and discuss what to choose as a representative costume.

However, we will only see Worlds 2019 skins next year, at least a few months later, when both FPX and Riot have come to a consensus.