League of Legends: Skins That Got Cancelled by Riot Games

|Copyrighted by Stole my Pyke|

• Amumu and Blitzcrank

Our poor mummy and Robot had a skin called Sewn Chaos Amumu and Sewn Chaos Blitzcrank. However, these skins did not meet the game’s standard, therefore, they got canceled right before the release date.

However, Riot still cares about Amumu and Blitzcrank. Amumu has been replaced by the Infernal Amumu skin and Blitzcrank has been given Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank and Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank Skins.

Sewn Chaos Amumu: 

Sewn Chaos Blitzcrank: 

• Caitlyn

Caitlyn had a skin project called Futuristic, for unknown reasons, this skin was cancelled and remade into the Pulsefire Caitlyn.

• Diana

IronStylus (Sr. Concept Artist at Riot Games) once confirmed that Diana will have a classic, sexy and slightly creepy outfit. However, this unnamed skin was cancelled and was rebuilt into Lunar Goddess Diana as it is today.

• Evelynn (Before being rework)

Similar to Diana, Evelynn also has an unnamed skin found in the patch after its releases. In this unnamed skin, Evelynn wears blue skin and … that’s all. Maybe this skin was remade to Tango Evelynn

• Ezreal

Ezreal once had the cancelled skin called Rick Roll / Rick Astley found in the game files.

Explain a little bit, Rick Astley is a famous singer with the song Never Gonna Give You Up (NGGYU) and he has a meme named Rickroll. Rickroll is the sudden appearance of NGGYU, click on a link to receive gifts from Riot Games, then click on the gift and you will not see any gifts and the NGGYU song plays immediately, you have been Rickroll.

Going back to Ezreal, not knowing why this skin was cancelled, it could be a joke from Riot.

The texture of Ezreal Rick Roll / Ezreal Rick Astley:

• Katarina

Cyber ​​Katarina – a cancelled skin of Katarina is also unknown. This skin was later remodelled as the Project Katarina

Texture Cyber Katarina:

• Master Yi

Master Yi is quite black because … the cancelled skin is not an ordinary skin because this is a Prestige Edition skins. Can you guess any skin? That is the Prestige Snow Man Yi. This skin has been faulty for some reason, falling in the Hextech chest and you will receive it continuously when you combine 3 pieces of the skin. And just like the skin, Prestige Snow Man Yi was cancelled.