League of Legends: MSI 2019 – SKT failed 2 – 3 G2 bitterly in the day Faker learned that Crush had a lover

Immediately after the blockbuster IG failed 1-3 before TL. Today, SKT  encountered G2 Esport. A beautiful match, both show their full abilities and make a great pair of Bo5 matches !!! Faker did his best but not enough, SKT lost to G2

Game 1


Sona – Taric strategy is deployed by G2 in the first game in the Bot lane as well as the Morgana middle.

Realizing the G2 lineup problem wanted to play Cover – Buff, SKT immediately pick the terrible fighting generals, Kennen, Jarvan IV as well as Lissandra from SKT.

In Match

G2’s match was not possible when losing the first as well as Flash right from level 1, SKT’s Bot Lane duo is completely Counter Sona-Taric pair as well as calling for more Clid to constantly support making G2 bear lost Bot Lane.

Having a big advantage at Bot Lane, SKT developed a 4-1 strategy with terrible damage. After 2 presses of SKT’s intense fighting with Jarvan IV and Lissandra as well as the strong Ezreal. G2 received defeat after 24 minutes.

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Game 2


In Game 2, G2 decided to play a squad in a with a series of multiple generals CC. Draven will take on the position of causing major damage and with the help of Morgana, Perkz can be assured of by shock damage.

In Match

SKT did very well in the first 15 minutes, but their biggest mistake is not to control Draven in Perkz hands. The ADC of G2 is always Cover with E of Morgana.

There is a strong Combat squad but it cannot be effective while G2’s gunner is always freeshot with too many Q throws. SKT was helpless to kill a target and looked at G2 with a balance of 1-1 in the Bo5 series.

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Game 3


Through Game 3, G2 played quite comfortably and gave a very good fighting team with a series of powerful AOE generals such as Jarvan + Galio combo, the amount of magic damage from Vladimir will help G2 more terrible in Combat.

SKT is still confident with Kennen, acquiring Varus will also ensure unexpected.

In Match

The early stages of the game SKT get a lot of points to defeat the match. Once Rek’sai OP, Clid sweeps away the rest of the area as well as assists in taking all the big goals. * All is in Perkz*

When the Tank team lacks too many Items. SKT pulled the difference in gold up to 10,000, the pressure from the Combat squad was no longer, SKT gathered 5 members and hit straight into the middle line and finished the match.

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Game 4


G2 launched the final choices in game 4. With the champions with many CC effects, G2 aimed at a long game with 5vs5 fighting phases when Varus, Ryze were all chosen.

SKT still pick Rek’sai for Clid, Ashe for the first time appear in MSI 2019 the role of Combat.

In Match

A first game has a particularly important meaning for both teams so both SKT and G2 play slowly and do not want to have early fighting.

In the midst of the match, with Skaner, Jankos was extremely good and always chose a reasonable goal to retain and earn points for the team. Good control, good support, and help G2 rise a lot in the middle of the game.

Faker and Sylas had good handling, the final steals were a prerequisite for SKT to retain the game as well as with G2. Thinking that SKT regained game after Baron but they lost their temper, Wunder + Caps was enough for G2 to win a choking victory in game 4 and bring the match to the fifth round.

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Game 5


Ban/Pick Game 5 very good for G2 when they hit the team with no gunner with Pyke Top Lane and more Setup Lissandra Leblanc from Caps.

SKT retains the Kennen combo, Jarvan as well as adds control from Varus.

In Match

An extremely fast game that G2 deployed early in the match, Jankos actively supported Pyke in the upper line and made Wunder strong with a series of defeats. Due to the difficulty of setting up, Faker could not play as well as move support to his teammates like the previous games.

G2 fully owns the mid-game phase with the power of Syndra and Lissandra. Consecutive combat and a sure-fire team is G2, but the absence of a gunner does not allow G2 to get Baron.

In the case of the turning point of the match until SKT decided to eat Baron with 3 members, Clidd’s arrival time was too long. G2 is concentrated later but it is just enough to witness SKT’s self-destructive moment. The excellent handling phase of Caps makes SKT completely unexpected. Teddy immediately evaporated, the main source of damage was no longer SKT dissolved and was defeated by the rest of G2. MSI 2019.s of MSI 2019.

Cleaning and that’s just enough for G2 to decide the fate of SKT, 3-2, EU representatives entered the finals of MSI 2019.

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