League of Legends: New Champions Aphelios has the ability to change between 5 weapons

6 months ago, the League of Legends community was stirred up about the new champion: Aphelios. But after many delays, his identity has yet to be made public

And most recently, Riot has posted to the League of Legends Universe of this champion

Accordingly, Aphelios is a ADC with a weapon as a moonlight sword. He was mute due to a devastating poison – but it was that poison that made his strength.

Aphelios and her sister Alune possessed superhuman abilities. He was always helped by his sister. Even in our splash art, we can easily see a silhouette behind him. Is this a special passive of Aphelios – allowing him to have his own Support?

According to the predictions at SurrenderAt20, Aphelios is most likely a Gunner capable of exchanging up to 5 weapons! Is it similar to Kayn, or is it a new mechanism of League of Legends?

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