League of Legends Patch 10.16 “Yone build to win” Full Guide!

Yone is being evaluated “Very Balance” by many professional players compare to the rest, and these are some tips you need to make that work ingame.

Same as swordsmen as his brother, Yone is making many gamers suprised by the extremely versatile skill set. How does Yone’s custom runes apply for each position? we will send you a very detail tutorial

Yone build to win

1. Ascending order

Q – Mortal steel: You should max this skill first cause it is also Yone’s main damage output.

W – Spirit cleave: Next skill to be max is W, it can help you deal some extra damage and provide you with some shield for a better trade off.

E – Soul unbound: This skill would be the last to be max, E will only help you to slide into combat or bloodtrade and get out to safety so 1 is all it need in early game.

R – Fate sealed: Just as normal champion, 6 – 11 – 16.

2. Runes

Similar to Yasuo, you can customize your runes depend on your playstyle, you can either go for Precision, Resolve or Domination.

Conqueror have been reduced the health regen lately, but for a stacking machine like Yone, it is still OP.

Grasp of the undying will help Yone to gain some resitant in combat, at the same time increase Yone’s health regen in long combat, quite an option.

For who play Yone as an assasin, electrocute runes is always good for shock damage, this differenciate Yone from Yasuo, cause if his little brother bring this runes into the game, welp “You noob”.

3. Build

Yone’s 2 first items should be Statik shiv and Infinity edge for attack speed and damage output. The rest should be consider build depend on the match,you can either go for some damage resitan or just full damage to impress your allies and the enemies.

League of legends items

4. Which lane does Yone fit best?

Best option – Top lane

Yone’s W deal damage base on the enemy’s HP and have a medium range, close combat champion will having hard time facing Yone. Beside, long range champs somewhat afraid when laning with Yone cause of his E.

Yone league of legends

Second option – Jungle

Yone can clear the jungle quite fast due to 2 of his abilities, allowing him to deal damage multi-targets. And his E is very useful for ganking and retreating.

Third option – Mid lane

This would be better if the enemy is a short range champ such as his brother – Yasuo. However, if the enemy is a sorcerer then Yone is quite underated, he does not have many abilities to dodge the enemy’s skills.

Do you find this “balance” to you? For me Yone will soon receive a big nerf from Riot, what can i say? “He is soo balance”

>>Read more: How to counter Yone in patch 10.16