League of Legends Patch 10.20 Best Line-Up in Rank

This guide will give you an example of best line-up that you and friend can use in low or medium elo rank patch 10.20.

You can read more about patch 10.20 here.

Top lane: Camille

The domination of Maokai was gone in this patch, due to the reduction in base damage of Q – Bramble Smash. This leads to the fact that many players are picking Camille, who can deal with many strong and tanky Champions on Top Lane. The mobility from her E – Hookshot/ Wall dive with the ability to create a shield from her passive help her trade hit every Champion fearlessly. Camille is also a good Champion for 1v1 fights or snowballs in rank mode.

In addition, Camille can dive in the backline of the enemy then lock down their Carry as an assassin. With all mentioned above, Camille is the best Champion in rank for now.

Jungle: Graves

After Riot nerf Karthus in a recent patch, Graves becomes the strongest Jungler in this patch. Not the same as other Jungle Champions, ‘The Outlaw’ has a wider attack range and the ability to knockback with the base attack, this helps him clear Jungle Camps in early easily without a drop of blood. The clearing camp speed of this Champion can be considered as one of the fastest in Leauge of Legend.

Graves can gank early with W – Smoke Screen and the ability to reset base attack with E – Quick Draw, he can cooperate well with his teammates to deal tons of damage from early game.

Mid lane: Zed

Although Zed is not used frequently in pro tournaments, he is actually a monster in low elo rank or even higher. The mobility and the element of surprise form his W – Living Shadow helps him trade hit in Laning Phase or disturb in Combat.

With the speed of Living Shadow buffed lately, Zed becomes more dangerous. He can have more easy kills in early, then with some core items, he turns into the real monster.

AD: Ezreal

In some recent patches, Ezreal was not appreciated as Ashe, Caitlyn, or Senna on Bot Lane. However, some changes in patch 10.20 help him come back stronger than ever.

So handsome <3

While the trend is aggressive Champions, Ezreal (with his mobility from E – Arcane Shift) has a better chance to survive in combat or gank than Ashe or Caitlyn. In Korea sever, Ezreal is the Champion that has the highest pick rate of 38.27%.

Support: Lulu

Despite the fact that her W – Whimsy was nerf in this patch, Lulu is still the best option for Support. She can easily harass with her Q – Glitterlance while can protect allies with W or E.

Especially, her ultimate R – Wild Growth can be used to defend, and attack as well. With AD like Ezreal, she can protect him really well while harass enemies, this duo is the best for this patch.