League of Legends patch 12.16 preview – the first World’s focused patch

Like almost every League of Legends update, Patch 12.16 will make changes to a number of champions, enhancing a total of eight of them.

The game’s chief designer, Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, revealed a sneak peek of the patch’s modifications last night. Buffs are being applied to eight champions, including Zoe, Tristana, Malphite, and Vladimir.

There will also be improvements for Caitlyn, Irelia, Kai’Sa, and Jayce, although the specifics of the adjustments are still unknown. In the upcoming days, more details about the revisions ought to be made public.

Patch 12.16, according to Phroxzon, is “the first of our World’s focused patches.” Typically, patches like these aim to level the playing field before the League of Legends World Championship, which gets underway on September 29 this year. Although the developers “wait for the more speculative improvements for 12.17.”

Read about which team will take part in World 2022 here.

All eight of the champions getting enhancements in this patch are powerful meta champions that are frequently chosen in professional play. However, they have hardly been chosen for this separation.

According to Oracle’s Elixir, Tristana was selected just once in the 2022 LEC Summer Split, Irelia and Jayce twice, and Kai’Sa four times. Out of the bunch, Zoe played the most in Europe after being selected eight times. However, her win percentage was only 25%.

The release of Patch 12.16 is anticipated for Wednesday, August 24.