Official LoL patch 12.17: Major updates champions, mid-lane meta changed

Patch 12.17 of League of Legends is on its way, and it’s a big one as Riot shakes up the meta ahead of Worlds 2022. There are three major champion updates for Maokai, Miss Fortune, and Hecarim, but there are meta shifts throughout the map: here are the full patch notes.

As League of Legends teams around the world grinds their way to the biggest stage of all, excitement for Worlds 2022 is building. Riot is attempting to keep things fresh in-game in order to provide an exciting month of action, which is where League of Legends patch 12.17 comes in.

LoL patch 12.17 is the major meta shifter ahead of the World Championship, following a few smaller updates as regions complete their qualification processes. Three champions will be significantly overhauled — though not as drastically as the Udyr rework — and the mid-lane will see a number of changes to shake things up.

Release date

Patch 12.17 for League of Legends is set to go live on September 8, 2022, exactly on time. It is, however, a day later than the usual Wednesday release.

The seventeenth major patch of 2022 will begin updating on Oceanic servers at 10AM AEST, followed by a worldwide rollout throughout the day.

When patching begins, there will be a few hours of downtime, and matchmaking queues will be taken offline about three hours beforehand.

Major updates for Maokai, MF, and Hecarim

With mid-scope updates proving popular and Riot pushing for more, three more League of Legends champions will see significant changes in LoL patch 12.17. Maokai, Miss Fortune, and Hecarim’s changes aren’t quite mid-scope updates, but they’re close.

Maokai is being pushed out of support and across the map in top and jungle. This will come as a relief to Twisted Treant mains who have had to deal with his overloaded support kit forcing him into the bot lane for some time.

The updates made by Hecarim and Miss Fortune are intended to push their builds closer to their intended identities. Hecarim will be more of a bruiser brawling in the middle of team fights than a tank or assassin. Miss Fortune will also be encouraged to create more marksman-style items rather than the popular lethality build.

Mid-lane meta updates: Nerf Azir, Ahri, while Kassadin and TF are buffed

Riot has been tinkering with the League of Legends meta over the last few months, lane by lane. It started with some top lane changes to get away from tanks, followed by some bot lane changes to get rid of the high Zeri-Sivir priority at all levels of play.

The developer’s priority for Worlds 2022 is now the mid-lane. Riot is targeting five mid-lane champions with three nerfs and two buffs. Azir, Ahri, and Sylas are among those who fall into the former category, with Azir suffering the most damage-focused nerfs.

In terms of buffs, Twisted Fate and Kassadin will see some minor changes. Kassadin’s Q will cost less mana and have a shorter cooldown, whereas Twisted Fate’s Q will deal more damage, and W will cost less mana to get those empowered autos.

Updates to Stopwatch and Zhonya’s Hourglass — both becoming more expensive, but with more value placed on the entire item — could result in some variations in both mid-lane picks and how they are itemized.

New Zenith Games skins

The Zenith Games have arrived in Runeterra, and some of League of Legends’ most famous athletes are dressed to the nines. The new sports-themed skin line, which will be available in LoL patch 12.17, stars Blitzcrank, Jayce, and Lee Sin.

Each skin will come with eight additional Chroma cosmetics that differ from the standard darker tones.

Viego also has an unrelated skin dropping this update. It is called King Viego, and it transforms the Ruined King back into his human, Isolde-loving form before he was corrupted.

Patch 12.17 full update notes:



Base stats

E: Charm


W: Arise!

E: Shifting Sands


Passive: Adaptive Defenses

E: Hookshot


E: Arcane Shift


Q: End of the Line

R: Collateral Damage


Q: Rampage

W: Spirit of Dread

E: Devastating Charge

R: Onslaught of Shadows


Q: Null Sphere


Passive: Sap Magic

Q: Bramble Smash

E: Sapling Toss

R: Nature’s Grasp

Miss Fortune

Q: Double Up

W: Strut

E: Make it Rain

R: Bullet Time


E: Tideblesser’s Blessing


Base stats

Passive: Umbra Blades


W: Ferromancy: Crash Down

E: Attract and Repel


Q: Cull the Meek


W: Haymaker

E: Facebreaker


Base stats

W: Ricochet


Q: Chain Lash


Base stats

E: Dazzle


W: Frozen Domain


Base stats


Guardian Angel

Seeker’s Armguard


Zhonya’s Hourglass