League of Legends patch 12.23: Tanks buffed, jungle changed

Season 13 of League of Legends has begun with a bang. The preseason update went live on League of Legends patch 12.22, and players are now gradually adjusting to all the new changes.

There have been a few outliers over the first few weeks, though. With new items and changes to the role, top lane duelists are incredibly powerful, leaving tanks in the dust. Similar to this, there are exploits and balancing problems in the jungle.

As they look to stabilize the meta over the holiday season and in advance of the start of the ranked season in January, Riot has prioritized these two changes for LoL patch 12.23. What you need to know regarding the impending December update is provided below.

Patch 12.23 release date

Right on schedule, League of Legends patch 12.23 will launch on December 7, 2022.

This will be the last significant League of Legends update till 2022. After the release of LoL patch 12.23, Riot will take a break for the holiday season before returning to open Season 13 in the new year.

Patch 12.23 preview

Early in Season 13, there were sure to be problems given the numerous alterations to the jungle. The League of Legends patch 12.23 is the first attempt to address all of them, including vulnerabilities and basic balancing.

Riot has a fix ready for the December update for the mid lane funnel strategy involving multiple champions buying the new jungle pets. In general, however, jungle gold will decrease while experience will marginally rise.

To be more accommodating to champions who must kite and move, some camps will have reduced auto attack ranges, while all camps will have increased leash ranges.

Regarding certain jungles going through modifications, Dr. Mundo is receiving a large number of jungle-centric buffs. Lillia, Shyvana, and Trundle will be weakened as dominant powers.

Tanks got buffed

In League of Legends Season 13, tanks have taken a hit, especially in the top lane. Some tanks have had trouble establishing themselves because of the redistributing of gold and experience over the globe, as well as new items that favor fighters and duelists.

Heartsteel is still an issue, but Riot is largely ignoring it in an effort to buff specific tank champions. The primary targets, to begin with, are Amumu, Cho’Gath, Malphite, Maokai, Sion, Tahm Kench, and Zac, but developers are keeping an eye on things.

Patch 12.23 major notes


Dr. Mundo

Base stats

Passive: Goes Where He Pleases

Q: Infected Bonesaw

W: Heart Zapper

E: Blunt Force Trauma

R: Maximum Dosage


Base stats

Passive: Living Battery

Q: Burst Fire

W: Ultrashock Laser

E: Spark Surge

R: Lightning Crash


Ravenous Hydra

Sunfire Cape


Jungle adjustments

Miscellaneous pet changes

