League of Legends Patch 13.15 Preview: Yasuo, Yone Buffs, Naafiri Nerfs, System Changes, and more

Riot will release Patch 13.15 soon, which will fix other balancing concerns.

Riot Games has stepped in with yet another round of modifications with the League of Legends Patch 13.15, including a couple of enhancements to champions that many players already find difficult to play against.

Riot has discussed their plan to balancing for the remainder of the year and this patch. Kai’Sa, the Wind brothers, and other champions will be receiving some changes.

League of Legends Patch 13.15 Preview

Riot Phroxzon, lead designer on the League of Legends balancing team, teased fans today with a glance at the Patch 13.15 preview.

Champion Buffs

Champion Nerfs

Champion Adjustments

System Nerfs

While just a few champions are eligible for buffs, the specific faces that comprise this group are somewhat startling: not only are they already incredibly powerful, but they’re all largely regarded as meta or somewhat-meta selections.

Image via Riot Games

Patch 13.15 will see the buff of six champions. Yasuo and Yone are both getting buffed. Since Yasuo and Yone have comparable stats, if these buffs target that feature of them specifically, they will most certainly receive the identical changes.

Image via Riot Games

Seven champions are being nerfed, with Ivern appearing to bear the brunt of the damage. Kai’Sa is also getting nerfed, although to what amount is unclear. Overall, it appears like this is aimed at many of the pro play and Solo Queue games. However, how big of an impact it has on the champion remains to be seen.

Image via Riot Games

The Smite interaction with summons and pets will be nerfed, resulting in adjustments to the durability of Annie’s Tibbers, Yorick’s Maiden of the Mist, and Hermerdinger’s turrets. Rell also appears in this area, indicating yet another round of adjustments affecting the champion who recently received a big midscope updates.

According to the official patch schedule, patch 13.15 for League of Legends is set to be released on August 2, 2023.