League of Legends: Patch 9.24 helped LoL hit the 1000 skins

Patch 9.24 has brought 13 new skins including the Night/Dawn group (Soraka has 2 skins, Lee Sin has Prestige Edition), 4 Sugar Rush and Hextech Swain.

Up to now, the total number of LoL skins is 1005, with 4 Sugar Rush skins coming out next week, the total number of skins will be 1009.

This is a milestone marking the 10-year journey of development when in the early stages, the game’s skins are all in extremely bad shape, mostly just changing colors.

Even the first legendary skins like the Red Baron Corki fall into this category. However, since the release of the Pulsefire Ezreal, Riot Games has made breakthroughs in skins design.

Since then, the effects of the skins and the details have been carefully invested, accompanied by separate universes, the interactions of the characters in that universe are also detailed by Riot.

With the introduction of 13 new skins in Patch 10.1, Riot Games achievement of the 2000 skins milestone is only a matter of time.

What about you, how many of you have over 1000 League of Legends skins? Which is your favorite skins?