League of Legends: Play LOL for a long time, but do you know much about Support types?

You have played quite a lot of support generals in the League of Legends, but you still don’t understand them ??? After reading the following two things, you will understand

Controller, temporarily understood as the main support class for the team and divided into 2 different classes with different tasks and roles as Catchers and Enchanters. Reading here you will find it difficult to understand, but this is exactly what Riot Games has been building. Controller is the most important position in the team especially in the combat phase, whether or ADC is shot or not depends not only on the resistance class (often called the tanker) in the upline but also on the side. belong to the protection of support.

1. Catchers

Catchers are generals who have a tendency to rush, approach or keep their positions and carry out unrestrained enemies with the unrestricted effects they have. Or simply disrupt the enemy’s front defense to capture ADC, while disabling the enemy team ADC. The Catchers missions often stand in the middle, both supporting the front tanker, securing ADC and letting their team start acting. Typical catchers include the following generals: Thresh, Bliztcrank, Bard, Ivern, Zyra or Morgana they often coordinate well with Skirmishers and will create mutant punches for the team, for example, the Yasuo-Zyra couple

2. Enchanters

Enchanters are true supporters, the main role is to support Tanker, protect ADC and at the same time support the cover of Team. Enchanters’ standing position is important, do not go too far from the ADC and Tanker and must know the timing skills to be accurate to the second. Typical enchanters include Soraka, Janna, Lulu and Nami. With Catchers creating mutations, Enchanters tend to create more flip-flops than mutations, you can think of Wolf’s legendary turn of the time when he was playing for SKT in World Championship 2017