League of Legends: Player Spent $5500 on All of The Skins in League

Moonwulf is a Platinum League player in server North America who spent $5500 to buy and collect all of the available Skins in League of Legends.

Moonwulf started playing League of Legends back in season 3. He said on Reddit that his hobby is to collect new content that comes out for League of Legends.


League of Legend is his most favorite game so being able to show off a little and have all of the skin options available is really nice.

He also posted the picture of how much he has spent on League from its official website:

On Reddit, Moonwulf also discusses his skin opinions:

Favorite Skin Line: High Noon.

Favorite Skin: True Damage Ekko.

Skin Line That He Prefers More Champions To Have: Pool Party.

He also mentioned that he prefers mal character for the Pool Party skin line. For example, Nunu with a beach ball, Ezreal can shot little water or Bard’s Magical Journey could be a pool slide.

Pool Party 2018. Copyright to Riot Games

Skins That He Doesn’t Have:

All of the early Victorious Skins before the season 6 because he didn’t get to Gold until season 6. They are Victorious Morgana, Janna, Elise, and Jarvan IV.

Most Special Skin: PAX Twisted Fate.

Moonwulf said that he got the permanent skin shard of this skin during the 10th Anniversary event.

Since he had all the skins already, so there was nothing left for the game to give him. He selected PAX TF out of the list of the available champions Riot had to choose from.

PAX Twisted Fate

Most Fun Moment: The player mentioned that he tried re-rolling skin shards and got all the consecutive Prestige and Gemstone skins one after another when no other skins were left in the shop.

He said that “It was like watching a slot machine continue to win big for 10 spins in a row.”

Skin Line That Has Been Improved The Most: Worlds Skins.

He said:” Starting with the latest SKT worlds skin line, Riot really turned this around and they are so awesome and unique every year now. The SKT, SSG, and IG skins are all really cool.”

Invictus Gaming 2018

Last but not least, Moonwulf also mentioned that he is not the only player he knows who owns all of the League of Legends skins, but also his friend xFresko who was struggling and decided to end his life last year.

Moonwulf said: ” My final time talking to him was in-game about new skins randomly enough. If he were still alive he would be right here with me celebrating the 1000 mark.”

Credit: Reddit.