League of Legends: Players continue to have the right to decide which champions are next rework in 2021, it’s likely that Shyvana will be reworked first.

In the process of completing the list of reworked champions that have been voted in 2020, most recently Riot Games is preparing for the poll for 2021.

League of Legends has officially entered the season 2020, this is also the stage where Riot Games makes their plans for the future of League of Legends, including the champions rework, Meta balance, buff / nerf as well as many new features added to the game and in addition create many new game modes for players.

In particular, the current top priority of Riot Games is to redo the outdated champions. The most recent Riot Games have revealed images of Volibear, as well as Fiddlesticks, rework and they also have new projects for 2021. Riot Games also revealed that there will be two champions being released this year and in which the gaming community is speculation that the next champion will be Yone – Yasuo brother.

The list of champions voted by players to rework in 2020 is almost complete, now, Riot Games has an official announcement, the next champions rework in 2021 will also be played by the game itself League of Legends players voted.

In 2019, Riot Games has launched five champions that definitely need to be reworked in the future for gamers to vote, namely Fiddlesticks, Volibear, Shyvana, Nocturne and Dr. Mundo.

The votes favoured Fiddlesticks and Volibear with very little difference, making Riot Games forced to rework both of them at the same time. Basically Volibear’s votes are outperforming Fiddlesticks, Shyvana holds the 3rd highest number of votes among the 5 champions.

You probably do not know, Shyvana is the champion that receives the most votes to remake from the Chinese League of Legends community, which also makes Riot Games possibly consider rework Shyvana as soon as possible.

Riot Games will soon offer a voting link for 2021 to gamers in the near future, after the release of both champions Fiddlesticks and Volibear have been rework.

And of course, there is a high possibility that there will be a lot of other old faces that need to be reworked to make the list to compete with Shyvana, Nocturne and Dr. Mundo. Be ready to vote to contribute to making a difference in the future on the Summoner’s Rift