League of Legends: Playing ADC with an “AFK Support” is Worse Than Solo Lane without A Jungler

Don’t you hate it when your support has all pots, full HP and full mana and just AFK behind you?

One of the downsides of playing bot lane is that if your ADC or Support is not synced with you, it will make laning phase absolutely unbearable.

Just one misstep or AFK could lead to losing objects like drake, turret, or even your life.

Besides the type of support who stays behind the ADC most of the time, there are supports who would either go roaming at the wrong moment or for way too long.

PixelBlaster on Reddit said:

“Far too often my support would spend upwards of 2 minutes trying to force ganks that’ll end up either failed or even die when the enemy jungler counter-ganks.

From then on it’s just a rollercoaster into gold and level deficit because I spent all that time waiting under turret whilst the opposite bot laners are building up a big wave of creeps.

When it finally crashes on my tower I either have to give up the majority of the cs or I put myself in a vulnerable position in order to last hit.”

Lucian Senna in League of Runeterra

Roaming as support can potentially bring the disadvantage to your team if you do not know how to roam, when to roam, or who can roam.

A bit of advice to the auto-filled support player, if you don’t know how to play support, you could at least try to stand next to your ADC or a bit higher depending on the champions you chose.

Therefore, your ADC could freely farm the cs without being afraid of the enemy bot lane to dominate the lane.

Players mentioned that every support should watch CoreJJ’s instructional videos on How To Support:

What is your opinion as an ADC?

Support players, what is that most tilting things an ADC could in Bot Lane?