League of Legends Preseason 2020 : New Edge of Night is useless to Assassins, Riot should revert it

The Preseason update has brought many changes to the Summoner’s Rift , which specifically mentions a series of updates to Item . These have greatly affected an equipment for the Assassin – Edge of Night.

Edge of Night (EoN) is a favorite item of many Assassins who choose late game to deal with enemy spells.It allows to gain a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability, giving the opportunity for these champions to unleash the skill set and finish the enemy’s main damage.

In the past, EoN was an active item. Channel for 1s, it will create a Spell Shield within 7s, protecting its owner from unwanted effects.

Perhaps because of the ability to create space too large for assassins, that Riot decided to remake it in version 9.23 in the past time. From an active item, EoN now grants only Spell Shield passive, and this shield is healed every 40 seconds if doesn’t take damage from the enemy

Edge of Night before being updated

But it seems that this update has made this EoN – from a popular item – a waste product in the eyes of Assassin lovers. For now, it was no different from the Banshee’s Veil of wizards.

It is obvious that the way this magic resist works in the form of an passive and activate is extremely different. Active activation is clearly consistent with the play of the generals need to be quick to assassinate opponents; However, for now, they are completely passive and dependent on the cooldown of this item. When it is an intrinsic, it forces the player to keep a distance to ensure the item can still work, but can not freely rush to finish the enemy like before.

Current Edge of Night in 9.23

The “compensation” for this item by increasing the health does not really mean to the assassins, when these are inherently too fragile champions. EoN reworked suddenly became an obstacle for the assassin champions.

However, there are also some other players who point out that, sometimes you don’t have enough time to wait for the old Edge of Night to channel, as a result you will probably get killed or lose your skills as usual. Changing it to passive simply help the player from having to press a key.

There are many items in League of Legends that have suffered changes and received many mixed opinions. Even two opposing updates are included in the same patch this time, making many players confused. However, in the end, each player has found a solution for themselves to use them. Will this Edge of Night be this lucky, or will it be permanently in the corner of the memories of the assassins position in the game?