League of Legends: Pro Players in Pro Games Don’t Even Know What Aphelios’s Ult Could Do, Riot Needs to Change His Ultimate Visual

“If pro players in pro games can’t tell what Aphelious R is about to do, then maybe its time something about it has to change.” – U/undeadpz.

In the latest Evil Geniuses (EG) vs Team Solomid (TSM) in Week 2 Day 2 of the LCS Spring 2020, there are more than two times that TSM lost their fights because Aphelios’s Ultimate does something that players didn’t expect.

Many players said that Riot Games need to work on Aphelios’s Ultimate visual so that his R will be more clear what offhand he has at the slightest of glances.

On Reddit, a player mentioned that “having his off-hand as a clear thing isn’t even needed, it should have been mandatory when the champ was released.”

In the video below, DIG Johnsun (Aphelios) had his Calibrum hand so TL Doublelift wasn’t afraid of him. However, DIG Johnsun suddenly changed to his off-hand Gravitum, which makes his ult roots.

Even though Riot Games have done a great job overall at making each gun’s animation and designs unique, but it’s still hard to tell which gun is on his back at glance.

Perhaps, adding a second icon next to Aphelios’s HP bar so both of his weapons are clearly visible would solve a ton of visual issues. Like Annie’s treatment that she has a level bar for her stun under her HP bar so that players will see it clearly.

Annie Stun Bar Change

If even the pros have those problems, then maybe the Riot developer team should think of a solution soon.

This not only gives players bad experience toward Aphelios but also Aphelios players who often got their favorite champion to be banned in most games.