League of Legends PsyOps event is coming to the Rift!

League of Legends PsyOps event is coming to the Rift!

Goodies are waiting for you to claim before the PsyOps event over!

To celebrating the newest spy theme skin line, PsyOps. League of legends has launched the lastest event in which players can earn the rewards by collecting tokens.

The PsyOps skin line will be released in two parts. The first batch of skins is concluded of Ezreal, Sona, Vi, Yi and Shen, which has introduced in League of legends latest Skin trailer PsyOps – OPERATION: SONGBIRD.

PsyOps – OPERATION: SONGBIRD | Official skin Trailer – League of legends.

And the second batch of skins, PsyOps Kayle, Zed, Viktor, Pyke, and Samira, League’s upcoming ADC, will be release in the next patch. During the event, players can earn event-exclusive rewards by collecting tokens by completing missions in-game. Missions can be flexible from killing minions, getting objectives or play games with your friends.

PsyOps 2020 event pass will be available for you to make your tokens collecting much easier, which can be purchased in-game store. Players who buy the pass will receive extra-missions and earn tokens after a game, tokens you get after each games depend on the game mode and whether the players wins or loses.

Or you can just skip the completing missions process to earn rewards by just… pay for it. As usual players can unlock summoner’s icons, borders, and event-themed chromas from the Hextech Crafting tab for a limited time.

And the PsyOps Ezreal will step into the Prestige edition skin line, which cost 2,000 tokens from the event store.

When does the 2020 League of Legends PsyOps event end?

The event will launch after the first round of PsyOps skins is released, from September 3 at 3:00 PM CT to September 30 at 3:00 PM CT. Players can then completing missions and tokens can be earn through Oct. 5 at 1:59am CT and players will have until Oct. 20 at 3pm CT to earn and spend every tokens they have before they disappear after the event end.