League of Legends: New Punishment Features coming soon for toxic LoL players

Riot is making significant adjustments to reduce toxicity in League of Legends, again 

League of Legends players aren’t always the kindest type. The stress of ranked play might force players to overreact, resulting in unnecessary toxicity that upsets other players.

Toxicity has become so ingrained in League of Legends that you would consider it normal, but Riot Games wants to change that. With a crucial adjustment in the upcoming patch, the developers want to reduce the excessive toxicity levels in League.

New feature to combat League of Legends toxic players

Riot has been working on several methods to address toxicity for some time now, and one of those alternatives, which has previously been discussed, is a mechanism to keep toxic players out of ranked queue.

According to comments from Riot HuntedFork on League’s subreddit on September 6, Riot is planning to release a new feature that keeps toxic players out of the ranked queue in one of its forthcoming updates.

This implies that players with past records, chat restrictions, or other types of suspension may be restricted from participating in ranked for up to 5 games. This might happen more sooner than you realize, since Riot might implement queue lockout within the next several weeks.

This, however, will apply to leavers as well, and as a penalty, these players may be suspended for 24 hours, after which they must play at least 5 normal games to recover access to ranked.

Image via Riot Games

Right now, this is restricted to 5 matches of normal games, regardless of the severity or frequency of your behaviour, but HuntedFork does not rule out the prospect of far worse penalties in the future.

The whole point of this feature is not just to reduce the general toxicity of the community, but also to discourage “account hopping,” which is when a player logs into a separate account and plays League on that account while waiting for the penalty on their original account to expire.

Image via Riot Games

Some players are divided over this move, but the majority sees it favourably. Will it genuinely work and contribute to a less toxic League of Legends? Only time will tell.