League of Legends: Riot Games announces the released of the next Ultimate Skin

In the latest Q&A article, posted on the LoL homepage on July 26. Riot Games has revealed the time of the next Ultimate Skin, why Akali experienced so many nerf and the remaining bugs in the game.

First of all, Riot said they really wanted to create an Ultimate Skin, but that probably won’t happen this year.

The design team has some good ideas but all of them are not good enough to launch.

“We want to make sure it goes beyond your expectations and it is not just a creative idea but also a time consuming development team.”

Riot information. “It is important for us that the next Ultimate Skin must make a champion more valuable instead of spending time creating Legendary costumes for many generals.”

Secondly, for those who love League of Legends that are too tired after a series of Nerf, Riot has explained.

Akali is a highly influential general in the professional arena instead of a Rank Match. It is this that makes Akali a challenge to a balanced meta group.

They need to find a way to limit Akali’s influence in professional leagues while still maintaining the feasibility of Rankings – without being allowed to exclude features in Akali’s play.

“There are many ways to control the power of a champion – but they are all quick to solve the problem and come up with a better scenario – things that we are trying to improve,” David “Repertoir” Capurro, Riot’s Head of Design, shared.

Finally, Riot discussed why a series of errors and big and small problems existed on official server clusters for a long time. The answer is very simple: Riot needs to save time and if an error does not occur too often or does not affect too much to the game, they will set it aside.