League of Legends: Riot Games is increasingly lacking interest in League of Legends

League of Legends is currently the only game of Riot Games. Ever since its debut, League of Legends immediately developed quickly. However, the rapid development of League of Legends has made Riot Games create many redundant products to collect money from players but forget about the development.

1. Creating too many redundant things

What Riot Games does best for League of Legends is the Runes Reforged, which helps gamers to simplify the process of choosing Runes and focusing on the match.

However, since then, everything that Riot has applied to the game has the nature of collecting money from players such as event tickets, branded and colorful skins, the latest is the Eternals System.

Next, the Prestige Edition Skins does not have too much difference compared to casual skins. Types of Event Tickets usually exist about 1 month, you do the tasks of the event and get event points in exchange for rewards. Very similar to the events of the Chinese game, they are even free while Riot requires you to buy Tickets to do the mission.

The Eternals system is a disaster when it is just a bug of DOTA Plus. Two years ago, Riot launched a separate mission for each champion, but now with just a few more effects, changing the interface was that they had the Eternals system for sale.

2. Ignore the core of the game

The important thing of that MOBA game is the balance and all champions can be selected or tactical, the position can be changed depending on the situation of the match.

However, Riot Games’ game balancing team is unacceptable when they can create monsters, there are still too many champions who don’t even want to play or have extremely ridiculous changes.

The bad game balance started from the birth of League of Legends, the Ryze, Irelia created so strong that nerf and remained strong. Things that seemed small but too strong like a champions the healing effect was not balanced.

Riot Games seems to be doing nothing to balance what they have created. Existing edits only make the game more unbalanced.

3. Summary

Launching too many things like the Eternals system only makes them lose their loyal players. They even have to create Teamfight Tactics to follow the trend.

Riot Games needs to have a game development orientation instead of updating the game as it is now.