League of Legends: Riot Games publishes voting results, Volibear and Fiddlesticks are the next two generals to remake.

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From the article by Reav3 – “Choose a Champion Update Voting Results!”

We opened the poll for the next generals to remake, and the final result. The two champions Volibear and Fiddlesticks won

Fiddlesticks And Volibear

The vote was SUPER close between the two, with Volibear just bearly edging out Fiddlesticks. (In some regions, the vote difference was less than 100.) This is why we’ve decided to start both Fiddlesticks and Volibear VGUs!

According to Riot Games voting results, Shyvana is the champion with the third-highest number of votes in five winners and this will make Riot Games pay more attention to Shyvana after the rework of the other two generals

Riot has started working with updates for Volibear and Fiddlesticks, Riot Games wants them to be as clear as possible so you can follow their remake. Like the recent launch of Little Demon Tristana and because the championship development process takes longer and can progress at different speeds, especially depending on how we explore them.

After the voting results, a small group including a game designer, storyteller and artist concept was established. They work together to explore new directions. This allows them to narrow things down in the best possible way. When they enter the production stage and then many developers join, their opinions will be very good.

I. Volibear 

Nathan “Riot Lutzburg” Lutz, Gameplay Designer: Volibear is one of my most played champions, so I’m thrilled to work on him! My goal is to preserve the spirit of current Volibear, allowing him to do cool bear things like chase down and maul his enemies. I’d also like to integrate his “thunder god” aesthetic into more of his kit while finding new ways to explore the bruiser role. Insert bear pun here.

Justin “RiotEarp” Albers, Concept Artist: I’m very excited to get to help bring new life to League’s ferocious bear champ. I’ve been thinking about a Volibear VGU for a long time, and I know we’re going to do his current design justice while creating something new and exciting for him. We have a lot of unique ideas that I’m already doodlin’ and noodlin’ on, and I hope Volibear mains follow along and get as hyped as we are. Time to get to work and bring the thunder! The Freljord calls!

Rayla “Jellbug” Heide, Narrative Writer: I can’t wait to dig my claws into Volibear’s story. I’m excited to show how he exemplifies this untameable, tempestuous force as the unforgiving leader of the formidable Ursine. In the Freljord, wild nature can be just as dangerous as magic, and Volibear embodies both elements to a frightening degree.

II. Fiddlesticks

Blake “Squad5” Smith, Gameplay Designer: We’re doubling down on Fiddlestick’s identity as THE iconic ambusher in League. Catching enemies by surprise is the true art of playing Fiddle, and we’re testing new tricks and ways to terrify his opponents.

Sunny “Kindlejack” Pandita, Concept Artist: I’d like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who voted for Fiddlesticks! He’s been tied with Rumble for my favourite champion since Season 1, and I can’t wait to help bring him up to modern standards. When I joined Riot, I hoped to one day be a part of this exact project, so I’m excited to deliver the update we’ve been having terrifying dreams about.

Jared “Carnival Knights” Rosen, Narrative Writer: I want Fiddlesticks to be the most terrifying champion in the game, without exception. He begs questions like, “What is a scarecrow? What is the facsimile of a person, and why does it move around? What compels it to kill?” There’s a deeply unsettling logic at work within that champion, and I’m excited to drag it out and give it new, monstrous life.

Closing Thoughts

Thanks again to everyone who voted. We’re super excited to start working on Fiddlesticks and Volibear, and we’ll be back later this year with more details on their progress. Let us know what you think about the champions and their early explorations in the comments!”

Based on Surrender 20