League of Legends: Riot Games should nerf minions immediately after seeing this it…

The next stage of the League of Legends will continue when it officially sets foot in the 10th season in 2020. However, recently there have been many errors related to Azir, Amunu, Elder. Dragon + Aery has affected the game

And most recently, after a period of problems, the minions have returned to their true nature

Lately, these little minions are rebelling and showing terrifying power.

With just a minions, however, just ignoring it, the whole battle was decided by a minion. You may despise them, but their damage cannot be underestimated!

Therefore, destroying the Nexus is quite normal, until, these soldiers know to help players get Pentakill, it is a different story.

Ideally, Riot Games should stop nerf champions and be “concerned” about these minions.