League of Legends: Riot Games will release Solo 1 vs 1 mode?

Solo is always attractive to League of Legends gamers, bring satisfaction, the desire to show their personal skills. However, over the years, Riot Games has never focused on and developed a solo game mode. Because the League of Legends is still an MOBA game, breaking the opponent’s main house is the ultimate goal.

Recently, however, Riot also began to change his mind. Magam Chamber, one of the maps and game modes, is very much expected by players. However, for many different reasons, Riot has not yet realized that. But recently, L4T3NCY shared an information to the community, making everyone happy.

According to Riot Games, it is very likely that the next 10th Season of the Season will be added with the Arena mode – especially used in special 1v1 and 2v2 tournament events of previous years.

That is Solo mode. And the Magam Chamber map will also return. This mode will be released in the Options section of the game. In addition, L4t3ncy also explained: ‘Every year, at major events such as All Star, PAX also needs to play mode Solo. We really want to support community events like this, so the idea of ​​launching the Mode Solo is from there. Accordingly, players can create rooms that challenge opponents easily anywhere.

When this mode is permanently displayed in the Options section, there are a lot of people who wonder if any game mode will appear in the future?

Riot Games also said that we are currently intending to make the Nexus Blitz become a permanent play mode. We will be able to add an option, which enables players to create Custom Matches with each weekend’s game mode ‘.

As expected, Riot Games will introduce this game mode after getting everything ready. Riot will probably launch this mode in the pre-season season next year.