Dr. Mundo always falls in a state of being too weak or being too strong. There is no equilibrium for him, unless he is redone.
Dr. Mundo’s victory rate has fluctuated after a series of buffs received in version 9.7. However, this odds do not increase – it even decreased by 2%.
A fact that most people realize is that this general rarely appears in professional leagues and has absolutely no meta. To solve this, Riot Games has increased its damage quite generously. At first glance, it seems Mundo is changing in a positive way, but it’s completely different.
Mundo’s problem has never been a lack of damage. He is even a hero that deals heavy damage, superior to many other Tank generals. The problem here is that he is quite blunt and his moves clearly reflect that. He is probably one of the least noticed generals in the legendary Alliance, and his damage is not the cause of blaming.
If you hate yourself enough to play Mundo, you’ll automatically accept his play. You run indefinitely on the road, throw milling cutters and hope the best can happen. When the game takes place, you run indefinitely to the middle line, throw the milling cutter and expect the miracle. Repeat this and you have a “sandbag” , who Player doesn’t know what to do in the match.
Mundo is essentially a weak hero, so increasing his damage cannot solve the problem completely. If Riot continues to use this lazy solution – increasing the power of any champion they feel weak – then Mundo will suffer this unfortunate fate for a long time. He will always be in a state of being too strong, two are too weak. There will be no equilibrium for him unless he is redone.
Power up Dr. Mundo is a meaningless action at this time and it will never be a long-term solution. Mundo possesses an outdated design from appearance to gameplay from within its own core. Setting the case for 9.7, you will see how bad Mundo is. Vayne can rotate him like swinging and crushing him easily, no matter how much damage he can inflict.
Reworking a champion is not an easy task and it takes a lot of time and effort. But Mundo is looking forward to celebrating its 10-year-old birthday. He is one of the oldest generals in the game, he is in great need and also deserves the feelings that Riot should show him right now. Instead of buffing Mundo, do it again!