League of legends: Riot prioritizes designing new human-typechampions in 2021

Riot‘s new champion design trend at the moment will be human-type champions instead of mysterious creatures.

The head of LOL general design team, Riot Reav3, recently shared about the plan and orientation of the upcoming champions design. He said the new champions in LOL will be launched continuously in accordance with the plan and new mechanisms will also continue to be launched to maintain the attractiveness of the game.

According to Riot Reav3, the goal of the design team when creating a new champion is that this champion needs to be selected and appear a lot in games, both normal rank and professional league matches. Therefore, these champions must have a high level of popularity in terms of image.

Reav3 said: “We found that the main factor in the popularity of heroes is that they are connected to players, and human-type characters fit this point.”

Although there are still other creature-like champions preferred, such as Kha’Zix or Yuumi, most common champions are still human forms. The popularity of champions also depends on regional culture, such as the Jinx who is slightly toward punk rock style is popular in the West while Xin Zhao and Jarvan IV are played a lot in China and Asian countries.

Another reasons for Riot to change the design direction is that human or human-type robots can represent different parts of the world. For example, Samira and Viego represent the period of Persia and the conquerors (A.D. 15 to It is difficult for non-human heroes to do this in Spain in the 17th century).

Reav3 admitted that in recent years, the proportion of role types in “League of Legends” is indeed somewhat out of balance, and he also promised that in 2022. According to the designer, this character will be different from the cute style of the last animal hero, Yumi, and will adopt a darker beast character