Gamer confides: “League of Legends saved me from committing suicide, and helped me make some friends.”

Sometimes, League of Legends also has such humane stories like this…

With the characteristics of an online, competitive game, every League of Legends match is filled with cursing words, a toxic behavior, or an attitude that has long become a “tradition.” Toxicity, however, is not all that League can bring to its players. It is also fun to play your favorite game and make new friends who share the same love of League of Legends. Occasionally, humanist tales of beautiful friendships and relationships that come from the game often grow from the game.

A few hours ago, a Redditor with the username u/matei_georgian shared such humane story about how League of Legends had saved his life, helped him in making new friends and thus, regained his joy in life.

League of Legends saved me from committing the suicide, and helped me make some friends.

A year and a bit ago I was on the verge of committing suicide. I had everything planned until one guy at my school asked me nicely to install league and play support for him (Yummi was just released and was broken af). I hardly did it and I started having fun. I made a friend, after that we found someone else, and then someone else, and now we are 5 friends that play League, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, and many other games.

I’m so happy that I said yes that day. I always say that I hate league, that ID shit, I wanna fucking delete the game, but the truth of it is, that it saved my life and made me have a lot of fun moments with my friends on Discord. This is my story how I started League, even if I’m kinda bad, it doesn’t matter if you have fun from time to time.

It seems that the community was too familiar with toxic players and behaviors, which explain why when they heard about such a humane and heart-warming story, their first reaction was, obviously, extremely surprising. The “OP” himself was also surprised when he himself found the joy of playing League of Legends, perhaps, the possession of a team of 5 members was what helped this guy enjoy the game so much.

“Started playing league more a few weeks ago. Very cool that you are still here. But league is probably the last game i would think of that saved someones life

me to, as now i have a normal mind to say it this way, its surprising

“This game makes me want to commit suicide. So I guess it all balances out in the end. Also great story dude video games are great!

Yes they are and I cant imagine my life without them.

Nice, just don’t play it too much and don’t try to climb ranked. You’ll change your mind on the game

this is what I tell everyone, DONT PLAY RANKED, its shit, until riot fixes it I only touch flex eith my friends cause we play for fun and wanna troll the enemy team with 2 jg , Rengar carry, Yuumi, Soraka, Ivern, and a tank, it is just funnier to see people in ranked pull their hair out with a build like this.

It can be incredibly fun to play weird duos with your friends like that.

That’s how League of Legends is not always just about giving people negative feelings. Every game main purpose is to bring joy and to entertain its player, just try your best, stop being that toxic players, naturally, happiness and joy will come along your way.