League of Legends: Stormrazor became the most OP item before it’s removed in Patch 14.10

In the upcoming League of Legends patch 14.10, there’s a significant shake-up on the horizon with a mid-season update introducing a slew of new adjustments while simultaneously bidding farewell to some old favorites, including the renowned Stormrazor.

Stormrazor before it’s removal in LoL Patch 14.10

Initially, Stormrazor was slated for removal, a blow to marksmen relying on its swift benefits like Jhin, Caitlyn, Vayne, and even unexpected users like Twisted Fate.

Interestingly, despite the announcement of its removal, Stormrazor swiftly rose to prominence, becoming the top choice for many marksmen who previously overlooked its potential. Even traditional marksmen like Jinx, Ashe, and Xayah, who typically favored other items, began picking the item into their core builds.

It’s noteworthy that Stormrazor remained unchanged in patch 14.9, prompting speculation that its sudden surge in popularity could be attributed to a “bandwagon effect” as players scrambled to experiment with it before it vanished from the game.

However, the win rates and usage statistics for it paint a different picture, showcasing impressive performance metrics that defy expectations.

Typically, when an item experiences a surge in popularity, its effectiveness tends to diminish as a result of oversaturation. Yet, Stormrazor bucks this trend, maintaining consistently high win rates despite increased usage. This suggests that the item possesses real strengths that were previously underestimated, only coming to light as its removal draws near.

Image via Riot Games

One explanation for it’s newfound popularity lies in the evolving meta, characterized by frequent skirmishes and team fights. In such a dynamic environment, marksmen require items that provide immediate combat benefits rather than focusing solely on farming support items.

Stormrazor fits this bill perfectly, offering early-game power spikes with its charged attacks and kiting capabilities, complemented by its acceleration effects. This strategic makes it an optimal first item choice, paving the way for subsequent damage-oriented purchases such as Infinity Edge to amplify overall damage output.

As the community braces for the departure of Stormrazor in patch 14.10 and beyond, marksmen are urged to seize the opportunity to capitalize on its strengths while it remains available, recognizing its potential to elevate their gameplay and help them to victory.