League of Legends: New Surrender Vote Changes in Patch 13.16 will reduce Toxicity

Along with the usual buffs and nerfs, Patch 13.16 for League of Legends will also introduce significant adjustments to the surrender vote.

With a number of significant improvements in League of Legends Patch 13.16, Riot Games hopes to reduce the toxicity surrounding surrender votes and make them go better. These changes include voter identity hiding, deferring repetitive vote requests from particular players, and automated resolutions for split votes.

On August 10, League product lead Chris “Auberaun” Roberts announced improvements to the surrender vote process, including UI updates for the vote boxes.

Image via Riot Games

New surrender vote patch 13.16

Chris “RiotAuberaun” Roberts, a Riot Games employee, claims that the firm intends to launch these modifications on the PBE first and then roll them out with Patch 13.16. The purpose of these adjustments is: 

“The intention is to make surrending more of a team action,” “rather than one person spamming “FF” every three minutes.”

The League of Legends surrender vote system has been around for a while, but the game’s creators seldom ever make any changes to it. Currently, giving up early in League lobbies, and particularly in ranked queues, is thought to be a practical strategy.

But over time, the function has evolved into a tool for trolls to irritate allies. Riot is very aware of the problems and is now giving priority to anything that would increase the feature’s value once again.

Image via Riot Games

Patch 13.16 will go live on 16 August, so once the adjustments are put into place, it will be fascinating to watch how they affect the game and whether the toxicity level decreases.