League of Legends: The 4 most toxic streamer in League of Legends

Note: The article does not rank toxic streamer

1. Macaiyla

There are some people who will not know Macaiyla. But for the LoL community in North America, this hot girlfriend of Tyler1 is also very famous on Twitch.

Unlike the gentle, cute looks of other Streamer girls, Macaiyla is famous for her toxic on stream like Tyler1.

In particular, Macaiyla had two Twitter accounts banned after she repeatedly insulted others. She then created another account and joked about a bomb threat with schools in New York.

2. Tyler1

In addition to being Best Draven or Heimerdinger, this muscular Streamer also ranks in the Toxic list.

To the extent that in 2016 Riot had to ban the IP address and ban him permanently from LoL – this means Tyler1 can not recreate acc and play at home. But then Riot also reopened for Tyler.

I love Tyler

Although Toxic but Tyler1 is very popular with fans and Riot. You may not know, there was once Riot had to dismiss 1 employee because he insulted Tyler1.

3. Hashinshin

As a player who always plays with the Top Lane position, Hashinshin is also called “Super Top” by viewers.

In addition, Hashinshin is also nicknamed “holy blame.” This nickname originated from the fact that he always blamed Riot and cursed the game whenever he handled mistakes or lost solo. He even ban viewers when they explained Hashinshin’s mistake.

Although toxic, but “holy blame” still has a large fan base and is very popular on Twitch

4. Trick2g

Trick2g is known to fans as a “god of cursing” or “holy shouting”.

The nickname “holy cursing” or “holy shout” came from Trick2g holding Volibear into the enemy team while fighting and screaming at the same time.

If you regularly watch Stream of Trick2g, if there will be 1 combat phase, you will have to turn down the volume.