League of Legends: The 4th Darkin officially appeared but not Riot Games product

According to Varus ‘new story, it is edited by Riot Games that refers to a person called Varus’ sister. And immediately everyone deduced that the next Darkin (4th) would be a female champion.

Author Sora Prakash has implemented the idea of ​​the 4th Darkin with the name Mica and Ivaara with the same variable mechanism as Kayn.

1. The sketches of Mica and Vivaara

In a human state, Mica holds a torch containing a mysterious source of energy. The torch will become a whip when there is enough energy to turn into Darkin form.

2. When in human form: Mica

Skill Q: Mica shoots a sphere that deals damage to enemies and heals the allies within range

W Skill: Mica creates armor for her allies, heals herself according to the amount of damage blocked from her armor.

Skill E: Mica repels an enemy while pulling back a small chunk.

3. When in the form of Ivaara – Darkin

Skill Q: Ivaara throws down her whip, slows and deals damage to enemies. Stun the target hit at the tip of the whip.

Skill W: Ivaara whips whip the air causing damage to enemies.

Skill E: Ivaara uses his own blood to pass to an ally by entering an ally then turning to a specific location.

4. Combo

Combo Q + W: Push the ball away as soon as it bounces, dealing additional damage and heal to your allies.

Combo Q + Q: Whip makes an orb explode, stunning all enemies in range.

Ultimate: Switch from human form: Mica to Darkin – Ivaara