League of Legends: The application allows players to find matches on the Client by phone

An app that helps players find matches in LoL, but its effectiveness and feasibility are still a big question.

Recently, a League of Legends player has released an App that allows players to perform preparatory actions during a League of Legends match start on their phones.

Specifically, this application called Mimic will assist players with operations including:

– Create a team

– Accept the invitation

– Invite others / give the right to invite people in the team / to the queue

– Accept or refuse to enter the match

– Ban / Pick Champions

– Display adjustments of other players

– Change Spell

– Runes Reforged editing

– For ARAM mode: Toss dice to re-select random champions

All content while preparing for a match on the Client will be performed on mobile devices via Mimic. The inventor of this application wishes to “bring maximum comfort to League of Legends gamers”, and said he also sent his application proposal to Riot Games to expect the company to allow it to be released widely.

However, Mimic is causing questions for the Gamers community: During the time of preparation for the game, where are you going?

However, there are quite a lot of players who have cited the benefits that Mimic can bring, even though it is a bit “difficult to say”, such as the fact that you can take the time to find matches and pick champions when you are going .. . WC or watch Pornhub and masturbate. This application can help you when there is an unexpected incident that makes you take your eyes off the PC screen for example.

A noteworthy point, Riot Games has agreed to allow Mimics to become a name in the “Legitimate third party software” category because it still complies with both the Riot Games and the general policies publisher LoL Client “. This means that players can be assured of using this application without worrying about their account being affected.

It is argued that Riot Games allows actual Mimics not because of the unclear utility of this application, but because they want to refer to the ability to operate find match, ban / select in LoL on Mimic to complete the product LoLMobile is being developed.

Anyway, the implementation of League of Mobile operations is also a relatively new and interesting experience, so if you are curious, gamers can access the address https://mimic.lol/ How to test this feature!