League of Legends: The majestic and creepy images of minions in the Beta Test

Minions are units aligned with one of the teams. They spawn periodically from their nexus and advance along a lane towards the enemy nexus. They attack automatically any enemy unit or structure they find in their way. They are controlled by artificial intelligence, and only use basic attacks.

Minions are magical constructs summoned for battles. They are not fully sentient beings, they are controlled by summoners.

Summoning minions requires a constant and massive amount of magical energy. Nexuses focus magical energy from powerful crystals. This energy is enough for sustained minion spawning. The destruction of a nexus stops the summoning magic.

Minion bodies can be magically constructed from several sources, including animated magic scrolls, animated sand, magically animated bolts of cloth, and even sound.

Necromancy is a minion summoning technique that uses dark magic to reanimate corpses. Most known practitioners of necromancy come from the Shadow Isles.

While not magically constructed, living minions share many traits with magically constructed minions. Voidborn summoned through portals are controlled by those who have the magical power required to use them. One of such persons is Malzahar. A Celestial Being known as Bard is frequently followed by minion like spirits known as Meeps that aid him in his tasks (though they are more like companions than outright minions).

One of the earliest recorded use of minions for battles was at the battlefield known as Summoner’s Rift, where summoners from ancient sides known as the Protectorate (Stag crest) and Magelord (Owl crest) fought against each other.

Some people requested this, and at first I didn’t want to do it but there was enough interest for me to change my mind. There are also multiple places on the internet that showcase these models (and even a mod for them).

There’s 3 types of minions. Archer, Melee and Rider. Modern equivalents are Casters, Melee, and Cannon minions respectively. There ARE Mech/Super minions, but they are using Priscilla’s spider pet as a placeholder so I will not be showing them.

It’s pretty well known why these were changed. They’re also really tiny and the detail on the Chaos minions is a lot more than expected especially compared to the rest of the models in the game.

Small edit: I swear I’ve seen a skeleton-equipped cannon minion but I cant seem to find it. It might be a thing but it’s possible I’m remembering wrong.

Although they once possessed such athletic bodies and amazing skins, minions were now small creatures – and each one was similar. The rework to the shape of minions in League of Legends is also understandable, as Summoner’s Rift map has changed a lot over the past 10 years.

But sometimes, they become so because they have “…” together

Information From: Reddit