League of Legends: The members of FPX have chosen a recall effect for Skin, Doinb will choose Yasuo

FunPlus Phoenix, after winning the championship, worked with Riot Games to pick the favorite champions. Although no champions have been finalized, the FunPlus Phoenix members have made their favorite choices:

According to information the members of FunPlus Phoenix share in the video

Doinb’s three options are Yasuo, Yasuo and Yasuo. As for the recall effect, Doinb says he wants the dance below.

LWX dances the famous dance on Tik Tok. His three options are Vayne, Kai’Sa and Lucian.

GimGoon selected are Gangplank, Renekton and Mordekaiser. In particular, Gangplank is the most likely to be chosen. As for the recall effect, he wanted the effect like Bengi’s Olaf.

Tian’s options are Lee Sin or Elise. As for the recall effect, Tian only wanted his recall effect to stand still for 8 seconds.

Crisp support with 3 options: Thresh, Pyke and Nautilus. Recall effect, Crisp chooses a dance in Produce 101 or 韩国 202.