League of Legends: The river of Summoner’s Rift was created using Volibear’s urine….

Summoner’s Rift is map of League of Legends, depicted in the storyline as a great work of Noxian, located in a remote forest between the Freljord and the mountain range between Noxus and the Freljord. This is where magic power is concentrated most strongly in Runeterra.

Despite having existed for 10 years, there are still mysterious things about the League of Legends map that many people do not know. Very few people notice that there are two cliff face sculpted near the middle line, this is where the water is flowing into the River of League of Legends.

And according to the natural law, there must be water and drainage. The water source is in the lower right corner of the map and where the water flows out is in the upper left corner of the map.

However, if only that simple, the River of League of Legends is nothing too special at all. If you look at the Freljord region for a bit. According to the storyline when Ornn debuted, this goat god had two other siblings, Anivia and Volibear. Of course, they disliked each other and fought regularly, but it contributed to the creation of this northern land.

So, where does the origin of this water flow come from? Some people believe that it is the tears of those players who cry over the years because the gank accumulated and flowed into the stream. Just kidding, in fact, the origin of this river originated from the very beginning and is a bit unclean …

Starting from the beginning, when the three demigods were born in the Freljord, albeit brothers, Ornn’s personality was much more mature when compared to the naughty brothers Anivia and Volibear.

Shortly thereafter, the three quickly became the founders of everything in the Freljord:

Ornn is the creator of the terrain and hills, Anivia is the person who shaped the cold weather of the Freljord and it is Volibear who created the First River, the origin of the River in League of Legends. However, the way Volibear creates the River is somewhat crude when he … pee, it starts flowing into a stream and creates many different branches. This is confirmed by Ornn himself when he has a line when traveling on the River in League of Legends.

“Volibear made the first river. You do not want to know how.”

So you know that before you eat the Jungle Plants that are nourished by the river water, you wander in the river area to roam for your teammates, even lying down drowned inside river…ewwwwwww……