League of Legends: The Twisted Treeline will return and will become a new game mode?

Twisted Treeline is one of the oldest maps, released almost at the same time as the League of Legends. With a small map area and only 3 players on each side, it was designed by Riot Games as a short-time game mode, and helps you experience League of Legends under a gloomy setting and much more terrifying than the traditional Summoner’s Rift map.

However, due to the small number of players playing this mode during recent seasons, Riot Games decided to kill this map and its accompanying game modes on November 19. when the last update of League of Legends season 9 launches – Patch update 9.24.

However, recently, a League of Legends player on Reddit discovered a few “remnants” of this map left in the client. Specifically, when you plow up to level 30, in addition to the common rewards such as the Icon and Chests, you will also be unlocked the ranking game modes, including: 5V5 RANKED SOLO/DUO, 5V5 RANKED FLEX and 3V3 RANKED FLEX.

It is unclear whether this is simply a shortcoming of the game development team, as they have not cleaned up the related features after wiping out the Twisted Treeline, or it is an intentional trick of the Riot Games. , in order to make players recall, or reveal that they will reopen the Twisted Treeline as a game mode?

Of course, this map is deleted as a result of the low number of players and most importantly it is not the official game mode and very few gamers noticed. However, Twisted Treeline is still a passionate product of Riot Games and is it still recommended to new players (just at level 30) to remind that it has existed in the game?

It is also possible that this is a teaser for some special game mode modified by Riot Games from Twisted Treeline. Hopefully these conjectures are true and in the future we can experience the gloomy land of this mode once more, like Hexakill mode for example.