League of Legends: Things gamers expect Riot to do at the end of the 2019 season

The season of 2019 has been halfway through the season and there is a lot of content that gamers want Riot to do. The remaining half of the season is still worth looking forward to with the updates Riot Games is developing.

1. Add a Ranking Mode for Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics mode is making increasingly hot game on the official server and turning League of Legends back to the time of waiting 9000 as the old version. With the addition of ranking mode, this will definitely be the hottest mode this year.

2. Quickly rework Pantheon

Pantheon is the next general to be redone from skill to animation. Due to his long history, Pantheon’s skill set is “outdated” and Riot is trying to bring Pantheon back to the Summoner Rift as soon as possible.

The rework also means that Pantheon’s biography will change to fit the current context of the League of Legends.

3. Release new ADC

In the development roadmap April 2019. Riot said that after the Qiyana will be a ADC with a special play and not overlap with other traditional ADC.

4. Continue to focus on new champions

With the new release of Mordekaiser, Riot believes that all champions need their own edits.

This means that they will focus on debuting the champion to fill out the obsolescence instead of following the path of replacing obsolete ideas.

5. World Championship 2019

It’s interesting to watch Riot Games that will bring surprises at the World Champions 2019. Through the Elder Dragon and live performances of K / DA and Rise, fans are very excited for the World Championship this year.