League of Legends: Things you often encounter when starting your Rank climbing process

Whether at the Challenger level or the Bronze or Iron, when entering the ranking matches, you will inevitably have the following.

1. Power failure or disconnection

This can be said to make many players most uncomfortable, when you have not entered the game but lose power or lose connection, it is still acceptable.

But when you are trying your best and having a power outage, it is very uncomfortable.

2. In the Team, there is AFK people

It was difficult to climb rankings, but there were AFK members in the team for whatever reason, it was extremely annoying.

The team that is losing is not regretful, but is on the way to find a victory without a person then at the same time giving the match to the opponent.

3. Are Combat and running out of Net money

Surely you go to the e-shop to know this, while being in combat, your account will be exhausted.

This only causes players to beat the keyboard and go home without any mood to climb the rank.

4. Teammates play foolishly and often Spam Chat

It is often said that “being foolish also appears dangerous” is indeed not wrong in many cases. Especially playing foolishly trying to talk a lot.

Feed for the opponent then turns to blame the team for not ganking, why not help, this category is best not to let it spawn.

5. Forgot to edit the Runes Reforged

ADC using Runes support, Support using ADC Runes … is to see the dark future is very blind. At that time, I could only pray.

In your opinion, what makes you feel the most crazy when climbing rank? Leave your comments under this article!