League of Legends: This year’s Victorious costume group will call Yasuo’s name ???

League of Legends has gone through 8 seasons and has achieved a lot of success in its market. From a little known game, but gradually became a phenomenon in the Gamers community.

At the end of the season, Riot Games always creates gifts for players with high rankings including Victorious costumes to honor those players.

This is considered a great motivation for veteran League players to continue to spend time for the Game.

Some information about Yasuo

Through a few generals who have Victorious skins are Jarvan IV, Elise, Morgana, Orianna, … so what do you think about Yasuo having this skin?

In fact, those who love the general Yasuo want him to have the Victorious costume because he is always a popular general.

However, this will become scary for those who play with Yasuo.

Yasuo is a hot pick in all the regular and ranked matches, try to ask with for Victorious skin, he will get even more famous.

Many people who enter the game will pick Yasuo always for the purpose of “Test Skin”, not to mention the passionate gamers Yasuo can afford to accept.

* This group is mostly illusions about their level so it is best if you go to the Jungle and meet such people it is best to … ignore it *

So according to you, is there a Victorious skin this season for Yasuo? Leave your comment under this article!