League of Legends: Top 10 things that today’s gamers cannot experience

New players will not be able to understand the joys that veteran players have experienced, though one of them is an unforgettable experience.

However, when looking back on the past days and the dizzying changes that I can no longer have, it is still a beautiful memory.

1. Nerf Flash

Almost all generals use Flash because of its mobility and convenience.

However, few people know before the 400 movement range and the 300 second recovery time is now, Flash has moved …1000 ranges and cooldown has only 180 seconds. To make it easier to imagine Flash is a bit longer than Tristana’s W and almost as long as Amumu’s Q.

2. Monster

There is a time when you don’t choose Warwick or Nunu to Jungle, meaning you break the Game. Clearing forests without help is impossible, and if robbed Blue or Red means you will lose up to 2 levels compared to other players.

3. Timer revived forest monsters

One of the most controversial changes of League of Legends is the addition of a timer for the monster yards.

Before that, players always assume that the way to calculate the recovery time of each monster is the most obvious difference between normal players and high players.

However, this also means that if you do not know the finish time and the enemy’s path in the Jung, you will never know when the monster will revive. This allows forest riders to easily roll snowballs without having to bother too much.

4. Change of Oracle

In the early version of Oracle, it was a single-use item and existed until the owner lay down. This allowed forest generals to sweep the entire wards as long as they did not die. When you are at a time when your eyes are not free, your whole life will be in a dark map.

5. Runes Reforged Free

One of the biggest changes in League of Legends history is the removal of the Runes Reforged system.

This old system makes you sit down and think like Professor just to fit Runes properly. Worse, Runes are locked by the level, making the game less Moba and becoming like a role-playing game. Now, League of Legends has become much friendlier and you can play new generals without having to plow hard enough to buy Runes.

6. Low Ping

Before the machine has a high resolution and high processing speed with own server, the player often suffers from ping from 70 to 150ms.

It means that basically, Flash to avoid skill is not necessary. To avoid skills, you must know the prediction. Now we can see to avoid immediately and people often complain when new ping is only over 50ms.

7. Skill that affects the whole map

Unlike Shen, Soraka or Karthus, other generals have also skill all-map.

The worst is Twisted Fate with instant teleportation as a common skill rather than a Ultimate. Turning to where he wanted and the yellow card in his hand … it was terrible.

8. Dragon Elemental

Initially, killing dragons simply earned a large amount of gold and considerable experience.

Some people go to Jungle to hunt dragons at the second level and give the team a huge amount of resources. There is also no notice about the dragon being defeated, meaning you will be surprised to see the enemy suddenly level up and carry a pile of things ready to beat you.

9. Wards Free

Players have complained a lot when the team doesn’t have a vision.

However, when the game starts, you will see no one wants to buy eyes, even support. And then when Riot launching Sightstone, some support players do not want to come up but leave money to buy other equipment. It wasn’t until Riot decided to give each person two free wards, the new map was lit.

10. Counter stealth skills

Stealth mechanisms have changed drastically in the past. At first, Evelynn was a permanent invisible champions from level 1 and could run around enemies and burn them with Sunfire Cape that they didn’t know.

In fact, it is the time when dispatched items are not yet released, so you can use the Sunfire Cape to inflict more damage to the enemy.