League of Legends: Top 5 champions were hammered in version 9.12

Patch 9.12 brings a lot of changes, capable of completely changing the generals who dominate Meta in the past. In addition to rework Mordekaiser, We also witnessed major changes with Hot Picks like Sylas or Ryze. Here are the top 5 generals who nerf in Patch 9.12:

5. Sylas

After a period of domination in professional tournaments as well as in rankings, Sylas finally had to receive a change enough to make him no longer a Hot Pick. Although it is still strong to climb rankings, at least Sylas will not be as strong as before.

Specifically, the ability to push soldiers decreases, radius causes damage as well as damage to enemies around the main target, all decrease.

Damage as well as the detonation range of Q move is also reduced, making Sylas’ ability to exchange skills when fighting is significantly affected. In return, the amount of health recovered by the W and the value of the shield of the E are slightly increased. In short, Sylas will not be too OP like before but still strong enough for you to rank up.

4. Irelia

After the nerf at the beginning of the season, Irelia has long been able to find her place on the upper road with changes in power indirectly from the jewel and equipment. Winning ratio is only 45.25% at the moment, many players think that a new nerf for Irelia is a bit heavy. But don’t be by the numbers fooled by Irelia’s.

Ability to snowball well. Once let her have enough equipment, the opponent is almost impossible to win in the phase of total fighting or in the odd rounds. In order to control this, Riot decides to aim at her most important move, E – Flawless Duet.

In addition to its cooldown time increased quite a lot (up to 4 seconds at the beginning level), the range also decreased from 850 to 775. Now, players will have to be very careful when using E

3. Nautilus

As a Hot Pick at Bot Lane in the past, the ability to preserve ADC was good thanks to the huge amount of control skills with leg tightening, dragging, slowing, and wide-ranging throwing

In Patch 9.12, Nautilus will still be a strong choice in the lower line, only that will not be Hot as before. Damage of Q – Dredge Line is significantly reduced at the first level. Along with that, his journey time will be much more difficult when the strong Supporters like Janna, Lulu and Karma are strengthened.

2. Yuumi

Since its release, Yuumi has caused many difficulties for the opponent. Not too strong at low rank levels, but at higher rankings, coordination between better players is Yuumi’s power that cannot be underestimated. In addition to providing very good support for key positions with blood buffs, speeding up themselves and teammates, Yuumi can also set a long range and slow the target quite well.

However, it is time for Yuumi to have a nerf to return to her balance position. The returned energy and the percentage of AP added to the internal armor of the Shields will be reduced slightly.

In addition, the adaptive damage of W will decrease over the levels, but now when you reach the ally to perform the  Attached status, Yuumi will be stopped by any hard control effect.

1. Aatrox

Aatrox after a power boost in Patch 9.11 will be the main target of eating nerf in this new version. It is not surprising that the last R – World Ender is reduced in strength with an additional healing effect that only works for Aatrox’s recovery ability alone.

In addition, the cooldown of Deathbringer Stance will vary from 15 seconds in all levels to 24-12 (depending on the general level). This means that the first stage of the game will be more difficult than before, but the later stages of the match will still keep his discomfort due to unaltered damage.