League of Legends: TOP 5 Most Annoying Champions in Each Role. Patch 10.1

Over 10,000 users have taken this survey on Reddit to find out what are the most annoying champions for each role on the Fields of Justice. The result of this survey just came in 4 days ago.

Top 5 Most Annoying Top Lane Champions

  1. Teemo (10.5%) <<< This is not a big surprise!
  2. Akali (9.5%)
  3. Tryndamere (9.2%)
  4. Darius (7.9%)
  5. Illaoi (7.5%)
Of course, it’s the “Demon King”

Top 5 Most Annoying Jungle Champions

  1. Shaco (23.3%)
  2. Master Yi (11.9%)
  3. Lee Sin (10.2%)
  4. Ekko (6.5%)
  5. Evelynn (6.4%)
Dark Star Shaco

Top 5 Most Annoying Mid Champions

  1. Yasuo (18.6%) << Not a surprise either!!
  2. Akali (12.9%)
  3. Fizz (11.2%)
  4. Zoe (10.0%),
  5. Zed (4.5%)
Odyssey Yasuo

Top 5 Most Annoying AD Carry Champions

  1. Aphelios (40%) <<< Well, done Rito!
  2. Caitlyn (15%)
  3. Draven (7.7%)
  4. Yasuo (6.1%) <<< Okay?…
  5. Ezreal (4.2%)
Aphelios Fan Art by coax 콕스

Top 5 Most Annoying Support Champion

  1. Pyke (11.7%)
  2. Nautilus (9.9%)
  3. Blitz (8.0%)
  4. Morgana (7.8%)
  5. Brand (7.1%)
Blood Moon Pyke

What are the most annoying champions in each role in your opinion?

Do you think who should belong in this chart?

Credit: Reddit