League of Legends: TOP 6 Cheap and Great Junglers for Newbies. A-list

The new season 2020 is here. In this season, the Jungler takes the most important and hardest part of the game. Therefore, if the Jungler does well in the game, it can make a big difference between a victory or a defeat.

The parameters range from A highest, to D lowest, and only champions’ price range from 1350 BE and less.

Clearing: The capacity to quickly deal with most jungle camps.

Sustain: The ability to stay healthy in both life and mana while clearing the camps.

Dueling: The performance of 1v1 with the enemy Jungler mainly during the early game.

Ganks: How likely they are to get at least an important cooldown if they hit their skills on a gank.

1. Master Yi (450 BE)

A decent, old-but gold champion since season 1, Master Yi is always the easiest champion to pick for this role.

Cosmic Yi

Clearing: B

Sustain: B

Dueling: C (early on, becomes A in the mid to late game)

Ganks: D

Master Yi is pretty bad early game. However, he scales like a god if given the slightest advantage, and is not really challenging mechanically.

2. Nunu and Willump (450 BE)

Nunu is a solid choice if your team does not need tanks and needs some late-game punch.

Workshop Nunu and Willump

Clearing: B

Sustain: A

Dueling: C

Ganks: A+

Nunu is arguably the best ganker on this list, perhaps tied with Warwick. He has great sustain but his low damage prevents him from killing the enemy on a 1 vs 1.

However, he has great tools to escape or delay a fight until your teammates can collapse on the enemy (Ping the enemy furiously, it may help).

He can take dragons pretty safely regardless of itemization and is great at securing objectives all around.

3. Warwick (450 BE)

Warwick is probably the best Jungler from this tier.


Clearing: B

Sustain: A+

Dueling: A

Ganks: A

Warwick is a tanky menace that makes for a great duelist and ganker. Together with Nunu, is very recommendable to pick him up and practice early on.

Warwick can take dragons safely and even go back to his jungle and keep farming after that. His ganks are really strong and due to his high utility ultimate, he remains relevant to the late-game.

4. Rammus (1350BE)


Hextech Rammus

Clearing: B

Sustain: B

Dueling: B-

Ganks: B+

Overall, Rammus is an OK Jungler. Jokes aside, he is not that great on the current meta, and except for one thing, Nunu is practically a better Rammus.

Now, that “one thing” is huge: Rammus excels against full AD teams. So he is a niche pick, but a cheap and powerful one that is worth grabbing just for counter picking.

5. Jax (1350BE)

Jax is a late-game terror that can provide better ganks than Yi, has CC to facilitate ganks.

God Staff Jax

Clearing: B

Sustain: B

Dueling: B (Gets to A+ gradually)

Ganks: B

Jax does a pretty good job of showing the enemy Jungler the exist when he tries to invade.

6. Xin Zhao (1350BE)

Xin is an early game Jungler with high stats, a good share of single target CC and an effective gap-closer.

Xin Zhao

Clearing: B

Sustain: A

Dueling: A-

Ganks: A-

Xin Zhao can safely do drake at lvl 4-5 pretty consistently, after first back. At level 6, he can isolate a target in bot lane or make devastating counter-ganks.

Overall, a Good pick.

AP Jungle Champions:

If your team lacks AP or if you want to pick an AP jungler, Ekko, Elise or Evelynn are good choices. However, Elise is quite hard to play to some newbies. Also, Ekko and Elise are not cheap, being on the 6300 and 4800 BE.

Blood Moon Elise

Udyr, Amumu, and other cheap Jungers were not on this list because they are either off-meta or hard to use effectively.

Side Notes:

You should always practice kiting the jungle mobs even if you don’t need to. It is a skill needed to stay alive in the jungle when you are not playing a B+/A sustain junglers.

Blue buff is especially easy to kit. Gromp, due to his ranged nature is not worth kiting useless you are using a ranged champion. Also, beware of the Raptors, you would want to kill all the small ones first.

The mentioned champions above have all the tools to provide a solid jungle experience and learn the basics of the role.

Credit: Reddit