League of Legends: Top 7 weird but effective meta in patch 11.9

Update 11.9 with a series of changes has brought a lot of exciting and effective new metas and playstyles.

Toplane – Lee Sin

Dopa said that Lee Sin will be strong again in the Top Lane area when he was buffed not long ago. As of 11.8 and 11.9, this has come true.

With the Gladiator-oriented equipment build, Lee Sin is doing very well in Top Lane right now. The Goredrinker, the Sterak’s Gage, the Black Cleaver, the Death’s Dance combined with the rune of Conquerors are what this champion needs.

Not only has Lee Sin’s high mobility, the survival ability of Lee Sin is very impressive with this build. At the same time, Lee Sin’s Damage helps create enormous pressure in the laning phase and is a threat to the opponent’s main force in team combat. Lee Sin Top Lane is simply very strong at the moment.

Top lane – Karma

Although not appearing much, Karma is always a good situational pick in the top lane. In patch 11.9, many players on the Korean server found a whole new build for Karma.

Not only strong in support role, Karma can still inflict a large amount of Damage in laning phase as well as in team combat. To confront short-handed champions, Grasp of the Undying is a rune point that makes Karma laning phase easier, while also bringing some resistance.

The most suitable Mythological item for Karma is the Everfrost, followed by the Staff of flowing Water, Zhonya ‘s hourglass, Chemtech Purrifier, and Cosmic drive. Priority is given to the Ionian Light Shoes to maximize Karma’s ability cooldown.

Jungle – Diana

With the desire to expand the Jungle champions pool, Riot has buffed Diana in recent patches and this champion is becoming a real force. The ability to clear the jungle camps quickly, without losing much HP makes it easy for Diana to go for ganks in the early game.

Not only has good Damage per combo, Diana also proved to be very effective in long-term battles. Therefore, The Conqueror rune is considered more suitable than Electrocute.

Diana’s items is also not so special, in which Nashor’s tooth is given priority first. Next is the Hextech Rocketbelt, Hourglass, Witch Hat, Wizard’s Shoe…

Jungle – Darius

Among the new champions being brought into the jungle, Darius clearly showed good adaptation when it came to being able to perform many of his strengths. The ability to clear jungle camps was greatly increased so that Darius could keep up with the pace with many other champions.

Darius’ lack of maneuverability is offset by a summoner’s spell – Ghost, extra rune points such as Nimbus cloak, Celerity. The Stridebreaker is also what makes Darius more maneuver than usual.

With a large source from passive, Darius is best for the Conqueror rune. After having the first 2 Damage items, Dairus will aim for late-game resistance items such as Dead Man’s Plate, Spirit VIsage, Raduin Ice Shield…

Mid lane – Gwen

Introduced as ta Toplane champion but it seems that Gwen is more popular with gamers in the Midlane. This is also understandable when Gwen’s W – Hallowed Mist is more effective against long-range champions.

Gwen will have a relatively weak start, but if she stay safe to the middle and end of the game, she will be a huge threat to the opponent’s team. Gwen’s flexible mobility allow her to causes disturbances during the team fight and Gwen’s Damage are pretty much unpredictable to the enemy.

Because she is still basically a Gladal champ, Gwen is suitable for the Conqueror rune, while the mythological item trusted by many professional players for Gwen is the Divine Sunderer, combined with Nashor’s tooth to help Gwen have a very quality auto attacks. The Zhonya’s Hourglass, the Demonic Embrace, the Cosmic Drive are the remaining equipment of this champion.

Bot lane – Senna and Heimerdinger

Senna is an ADC capable of cooperate with fighters in the Botlane quite well, such as Tahm Kench, Sett, Galio … However, it is quite strange to go with Heimerdinger. However, this meta is performing very effective in Korean servers.

This “off-meta” duo will surprise opponents with extremely good long-range poke. Senna and Heimerdinger will put a lot of pressure on the laning phase for opponents who are incapable of healing. In addition, Heimerdinger will also add the ability to bring down the tower faster, which Senna lacks as an ADC.

Despite some weaknesses such as lack of mobility or fragile, this duo can completely overcome during laning phase. The rune points and items for Senna is nothing new with icy Upgrades, Monster Killer Hooks, Guinsoo Fanatics. Meanwhile, Heimerdinger will optimize its structure with the Mysterious Meteorite. Suitable equipment for this general include the Liandry Anguish Mask, the Zhonya Hourglass, the Scepter of Nothingness, the Morello Letter Devil, and the Rabadon Witch Hat.