League of Legends: Top 8 actions of professional gamers voted by players as Cool

Poor youth Ryu was called again

A poll of League of Legends fans has been opened and the simple topic is the cool cool action of League of Legends superstars in the world.

1. Smeb scene has just heard the phone while eating Pentakill with Fiora

2. Scene Faker tumbles on a professional stage

3. Sneaky steals Elder Dragon with Lucian’s W

4. Janna robs Baron with a level 1 right before Cloud9’s nose

5. Faker Insane Dodge With TF

6. Solo 1 vs 5 has Pentakill of Stixxay

7. 1 vs 1 classics by Faker and Ryu

8. Scene of the audience of “The man who feeds to win” Darien, is believed by the international community that Darien has just sucked a few things before going on stage * like grass or something similar *