League of Legends: Top 8 champions need to rework right before being forgotten

The skill reworks of champions like Akali, AAtrox, and Pantheon have brought them back to their golden age and became a hot pick for a long time.

Today, let’s find out which champions are in need of help from Riot because skill kit is too old On this list there will be no names like Fiddlestick, Volibear or Shyvana because Riot Games has plans to remake them.

1. Rammus

Although in Patch 9.10, Rammus has an extremely high win rate and ban rate but the skill set is outdated and has not had any corrections other than updating the image since its launch.

The simple gameplay as well as the sluggishness are making him lose his position. Basically, Rammus is still an easy-to-play and accustomed champion, but just rushing into combat and then use all skills makes the low-rank gamers no longer pay attention to this champion.

The exit for Rammus now has only one, which is Rework in the direction of a herbivore with changing 3 skills Q, E, R. Retaining W is necessary because this is the one of Rammus’ special.

2. Singed

Gone are the days when we chased him when he sprayed poison. Players now no longer go after him in a crazy way, in addition to the champions have a lot of control effects that cause him to die when the combat has just begun.

The reliance on Q to deal damage when there is no tool to approach the opponent is a drawback that makes Singed no longer appear.

The thing to do now is that Riot should make Singed’s gameplay no longer predictable. Besides, in order to compete with the other top champions, Riot needs to give him something special like they did with Pantheon.

3. Zilean

Appeared from season 5, Zilean was considered one of the new champions at that time when allowing to accumulate experience and buffs for teammates. Not only that, Zilean ultimate is also a good anti-killer tool, when it can help teammates or yourself revived.

But time passed and the killer champion no longer dominated the mid lane. Zilean with a champion that is too reliant on Q no longer appears as all mid mid champions are now fast and furious. The ultimate ability to revive does not make Zilean and his teammates safe even if standing in the turret.

All of Zilean’s remaining strengths only lie in its good defense late in the game and can help the teammates to reach a higher level. And during the animation editing kit Zilean was absent so Riot Games needed attention him to have a new look and skill set.

4. Udyr

The changes aimed at 9.13 are a positive change for Udý, giving him the flexibility to change the gameplay, but Udyr’s weakness remains the same.

Firstly, the solo ability is strong, but the teamfight is slow in moving and approaching the target.

Second, the current control of the new and old champions is sufficient, which makes Udyr a waste if he is controlled when the teamfight begins.

If he wants to revive Udyr back in rank, at least Riot needs to give him an ultimate like Olaf so he can confidently duel or catch a major force. If not, even if there is an additional Legendary skin, no one will even look at this martial artist.

5. Vi

Her change in about 6 years is her passive of W. Vi hasn’t had a single set of skill set changes yet, while Irelia or AAtrox has been edited a lot.

She is still one of the most flexible and controlling champions but with a new LoL, Vi has been forgotten. The last time Vi appeared was in a match against PVB and although surprising, her play was quickly counter.

Vi now not only needs a skill correction, but also needs an image surgery because VI’s current appearance is like a pink-haired man.

6 and 7. Annie, Anivia

These are the two champions who have not been noticed by Riot for a while now and have also revamped their skill sets. Both of them had the common problem of old magicians that was lack of mobility. There is almost no way to flee from champions rushing into teamfights. Annie and Anivia have only used stun to stop the enemy.

But this is also a disadvantage when Annie has to use 4 skills times to be able to store a stun, and Anivia only owns an ice ball with a very slow flying speed.

In addition, the damage of Anivia and Annie depends too much on the ultimate while their own moves are not effective. Anivia can create a snowstorm, but the range is too short to make her always dangerous.

Meanwhile Annie will not be able to approach the target and thrown Tibbers without putting themselves in danger. In addition to obsolete skill sets, both also possess unattractive appearance. Because all of the above two of our champions really need Riot to be able to become hotpicks like Irelia or AAtrox.

8. Kog’maw

Kog’maw is still a lot better than the above champions because he went through his heyday two versions ago. In season 7, Kog’maw is always the top gunner.

But now Kog’maw is an outdated gunner among the current AD carries. The threshold of power is too late, the skill set does not cause much damage in the early stages. Additionally, Kog’maw relies on too much support and is also a form of champions that are too slow.

With the emergence of the gunner forces with mobility, the ability to escape well and deal great damage, Kog’maw is nothing more than a bait for the enemy. Because of these characteristics, Kog’maw is currently leading from the bottom up in the win rate as well as the selection rate for the bottom lane.