In League of Legends there are a lot of useful advices given by pro players, but the rookies still refuse to accept it.
League of Legends is a complex game where you always have to learn to adapt to both your teammates and opponents’ playstyles. In order to make this game easier to play, there are a lot of useful advices given by pro players, but rookies and even some old players sometimes refuse to accept it in a wasteful manner. So let’s find out the top 9 useful tips that gamers always ignore in League of Legends!
Using the Oracle‘s lens when entering dark areas
One of the advice which has been repeated all the time in League of Legends and also a lodestar for many professional gamers around the world. League of Legends is a game where one team that makes the least mistakes will win, and being caught and killed alone is the main cause of a loss in League of Legends.
As a League of Legends gamer, especially on high ranks. There have been many people who have experienced the feeling of being torn apart helplessly and brutally beating by the entire enemies hiding inside the bush. Therefore, a free vision ward or a control ward is never enough to guarantee for your life. So again when it comes to mid game, switch to Oracle’s lens early and always stay alert when entering the fog of war!
Learn how to diversify your champion pool
A favorite champion pool is a set of champions that you favor and feel most confident when using them on the Rift. This is good because when facing the enemy with a champion that you have the most confidence, it is easy to win lane as well as win with a strong KDA opponent.
But League of Legends always has a very familiar thing called meta game. Some comes and some goes and some stays, every season or every passing version, there will be champions that are buffed by Riot can overrun the rest of the champions. While knowing that it would be great if you adapt to the meta, there are some situations where someone refused to expand their champion pool, even if those champions don’t match the team composition. Stick to the meta and practice with new champs, so that when the opponent bans one of your favorite champ or your team still missing a key champion, you will still be able to play and perform well in the match.
Stop pushing your minions against the turret all the times
There are a lot of people who think that pushing minions into turrets is a good thing when misunderstanding that this would leave opponents struggling to farm. But this is a very wrong and disastrous thought especially in the early game when everyone’s item is equal.
Pushing minions into the enemy turrets is only beneficial when you understand its mechanics thoroughly. Pushing minions at the wrong time will create a vast space for the enemy jungler to exploit as well as directly helping the opponent to farm more safely.
Take control of objectives
Perhaps needless to say, all League of Legends players are well aware of the importance of objectives in any game. The elemental dragon buff as well as targets like Baron, Rift Herald or even a Blue buff also determine the outcome of the game a lot.
But instead of plunging into the fight and try to steal objectives like professional players, the indifference to these buffs still takes place especially at low ranks in the game. Low rank players are almost exclusively interested in their farm stats and solo kills in the lane, but rarely coordinate with the jungle to steal objectives. So without changing your habit of ignoring big goals and working hard on a beautiful KDA, you will never become a skilled player ever!
If you’re on a lose streak, JUST STOP PLAYING!
Perhaps just hearing the famous saying “lose where, stand there” or “still breathe, still hope” of today’s youth also shows the powerlessness of advice if you lose too much, stop. Surely all of us have experienced the feeling of “one last game”, especially when in a lose streak. Once you’re exhausted and playing below performance, you get the feeling that no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to win.
This is a normal psychological phenomenon, and it bears a resemblance to gambling as you will be trying to find back the LP you lost. If you find that you are making dumb mistakes like missing a lot of minions or making the wrong move, then you may be starting to tire. Consider taking a break after achieving a tough victory if you don’t want to fall into that boring endless loop.
Stop being toxic and “/all”
Perhaps this is always the most difficult problem as well as the main cause of failure in a match. Although we know that toxic and chat all will cause a deep division of solidarity in the team, this is something that cannot be easily adopted and done because this is very much related to age behavior. When entering a League of Legends match, adults tend to only communicate when absolutely necessary at stages that require strategy such as ban, pick, or ping every time an opponent disappears. They rarely have to use the chat function and will never even use the chat all command.
Meanwhile, for young players, it’s the exact opposite, they will use chat all to “scream” as much as possible when they win a solo queue, and will be extremely toxic against their teammates if everything is not go according to their wishes or just they’re having a bad day. Therefore, although it has been propagated about the harmful effects of toxic effects, this is probably still the most ignored advice, although very useful in League of Legends.
Don’t test new champions in rank games
Along with the inability to control toxic behavior, the player’s hobby is also something that is difficult to ban and discourage for many people. Champion testing is not a bad behavior because without testing a champion, they will never be able to master that champion in League of Legends.
However, testing generals in ranking mode is still a very undesirable thing to do, but it creates a lot of appeal for players when they can control a completely new champion in their favorite mode with hard opponents. However, keep in mind that the ranking environment is a very fierce mode with lots of highly skilled players using the champions they are most on-handed. So if you still persistently continue with the selection of champion tests, it will be you who embrace failure.
Keep summoner’s spells for team fights
Summoner spells are one of the main sources of strength for players in League of Legends because it is the main reason for winning or losing a match. Though, players knowing well about keeping their summoner’s spells will be a great help in team fights when they can preserve their lives, deal damage and create some crucial moments. However, sometimes in the odd catches even though the opponent was definitely sure to be killed, some summoner spells were still used wastefully just to KS.
Although this is a very undesirable thing to do, perhaps during some of the climactic moments, no one is calm and wise enough to keep the spells for the next fight. That’s why, despite being forewarned about the consequences, buff spells are still something that is often used in a rather wasteful manner by inexperienced players.
Avoid playing rank games at night
Perhaps there have been many articles warning about the harmful effects of staying up late as well as its effects on the brain area. There have been many experts emphasizing that you should avoid playing between 3am – 9am because insomnia and fatigue can seriously affect your performance. In addition, playing at this time also increases the risk of you having to play with teammates who have just “play whole night” and are very lethargic.
Although this is a very reasonable warning and good for both your health and your ranking, not everyone can resist the attraction of “Late night rank” and staying up late. Although a lot of young gamers are limited to playing around this time, in return you will also be more easily ignited by the effects of staying up late. So don’t try hard during these times because your brain needs time to rest for the best results.
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