League of Legends: This player used Tryndamere’s oldest strategy and won the game

A Tryndamere top-laner thought the best way to win a ranked game in League of Legends was to become a Summoner’s Rift peaceful person by dealing no damage at all and only taking out turrets—and he was correct.

Surprisingly, almost five years ago, this zero-damage Tryndamere build was a very famous League challenge, and it was often used in ranked matches as an effective and ‘troll’ play.

League of Legends Tryndamere 0 damage

In a Platinum-ranked game, as mentioned in the Reddit post, one jungler’s interaction with their Tryndamere top laner—who made no particularly noteworthy or mind-blowing plays—was the most entertaining.

So how does this 0-damage strategy work?

Basically, He made no attacks on the other team, camps, or anything besides minions and camps for gold. He attacked the turrets in battle rather than combats and teamfights with the enemies.

Image via Riot Games

He crossed the Rift one at a time, taking them out one by one while frequently tanking the damage with his Ultimate. He would then flee if it appeared that an enemy was heading his way, or he would use his Spinning Slash (E) to go over terrain or Ghost away. Funny enough, his team won despite everything.

Even while Tryndamere’s team did win and there may not have been much heckling in the post-game discussion, you can guarantee he would have received abuse, been reported, and perhaps even been temporally banned if they had lost.

Image via Riot Games

This trend took place in League of Legends way back in 2016 to 2017 where players and streamers would play this as some sort of achievement. However, today, anything similar is viewed as a minor troll. Remember to inform your teammates if you intend to use the 0-damage Tryndamere during a game; otherwise, you risk getting reported.